FAQ: Mastering Smart IP&O for Better Inventory Management.

Effective supply chain and inventory management are essential for achieving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. This blog provides clear and concise answers to some basic and other common questions from our Smart IP&O customers, offering practical insights to overcome typical challenges and enhance your inventory management practices. Focusing on these key areas, we help you transform complex inventory issues into strategic, manageable actions that reduce costs and improve overall performance with Smart IP&O.

1. What is lead time demand?
The demand is expected to occur over the replenishment lead time. Lead time demand is determined by Smart’s forecasting methods. 

2. What is the Min, and how is it computed?
The Min is displayed in the drivers section of SIO is the reorder point and is the sum of the lead time demand and the safety stock. When on-hand inventory falls below the minimum due to demand, you will need to order more.  Smart also has a “min” in the “ordering rules” field of SIO, which is the minimum order quantity you can place with a supplier. 

3. What is the Max, and how is it computed?
The max is the largest quantity of inventory that will be on the shelf if you adhere to the ordering policy. The Max is the sum of the Min (reorder point) plus the defined OQ. 

4. How do you determine the order quantity (OQ)?
The order quantity is initially imported from your ERP system. It can be changed based on a number of user defined choices, including:

Multiple lead time demand
Multiple monthly or weekly demand
Smart’s recommended OQ

5. What is the Economic Order Quantity?
It is the order quantity that will minimize the total costs, considering the cost of holding and costs of ordering inventory. 

6. What is the “recommended OQ” that Smart computes?
It is the economic order quantity plus an adjustment if necessary to ensure that the size of the order is greater than or equal to the demand over lead time.

7. Why is the system predicting that we’ll have a low service level?
Smart predicts the service level that will result from the specified inventory policy (Min/Max or Reorder Point/Order Quantity), assuming adherence to that policy.  When the predicted service level is low, it can mean that the expected demand over the lead time is greater than the reorder point (Min).  When demand over the replenishment lead time is greater than the reorder point your probability of stocking out is higher resulting in a low service level. It may also be that your lead time for replenishment isn’t entered accurately.  If the lead time entered is longer than reality, the reorder point may not cover the demand over the lead time.  Please check your lead time inputs.

8. Why is the Service level showing as zero when the reorder point (or min) is not zero?
Smart predicts the service level that will result from the specified inventory policy (Min/Max or Reorder Point/Order Quantity), assuming adherence to that policy. When the predicted service level is low, it can mean that the expected demand over the lead time is greater than the reorder point (Min), sometimes many times greater, which would all but guarantee a stock-out.  When demand over the replenishment lead time is greater than the reorder point your probability of stocking out is higher resulting in a low service level. It may also be that your lead time for replenishment isn’t entered accurately.  If the lead time entered is longer than reality, the reorder point may not cover the demand over the lead time.  Please check your lead time inputs.

9. But my actual service levels aren’t as low as Smart is predicting, why?
That may be true because Smart predicts your service level if you adhere to the policy.  It is possible you aren’t adhering to the policy that the service level prediction is based on.  If your on-hand inventory is higher than your Max quantity, you aren’t adhering to the policy.  Check your input assumptions for lead time.   Your actual lead times might be much shorter than entered resulting in a predicted service level that is lower than you expect.

10. Smart seems to be recommending too much inventory, or at least more than I’d expect it would; why?
You should consider evaluating the inputs, such as service level and lead times.  Perhaps your actual lead times aren’t as long as the lead time Smart is using.  We’ve seen situations where suppliers artificially inflate their quoted lead times to ensure they are always on time.  If you use that lead time when computing your safety stocks, you’ll inevitably over-stock.  So, review your actual lead time history (Smart provides the supplier performance report for this) to get a sense of the actual lead times and adjust accordingly.  Or it is possible you are asking for a very high service level that may be further compounded with a very volatile item that has several significant spikes in demand.  When demand significantly fluctuates from the mean, using a high service level target (98%+) will result in stocking policies that are designed to cover even very large spikes.  Try a lower service level target or reducing the lead time (assuming the specified lead time is no longer realistic) and your inventory will decrease, sometimes very substantially.

11. Smart is using spikes in demand I don’t want it to consider, and it is inflating inventory, how can I correct this?
If you are sure that the spike won’t happen again, then you can remove it from the historical data via an override using Smart Demand Planner. You’ll need to open the forecast project containing that item, adjust the history, and save the adjusted history.  You can contact tech support to help you set this up. If the spikes are part of the normal randomness that can sometimes occur, it’s best to leave it alone. Instead, consider a lower service level target.  The lower target means the reorder points don’t need to cover the extreme values as often resulting in a lower inventory.

12. When I change the Order Quantity or Max, my cycle service levels don’t change, why?
Smart reports on “cycle service level” and “service level.”  When you change your order quantities and Max quantities this will not impact the “cycle service level” because cycle service levels report on performance during the replenishment period only.  This is because all that protects you from stockout after the order is placed (and you must wait until the order arrives for the replenishment) is the reorder point or Min. Changing the size of the order quantity or Max on hand (up to levels) won’t impact your cycle service levels.  Cycle service level is influenced only by the size of the reorder points and the amount of safety stock being added whereas Smart’s “service level” will change when you modify both reorder points and order quantities.

13. My forecast looks inaccurate.  It’s not showing any of the ups and downs observed in history, why?
A good forecast is the one number that is closest to the actual compared to other numbers that could have been predicted.  When the historical ups and downs aren’t happening in predictable intervals then often, the best forecast is one that averages or smooths through those historical ups and downs.  A forecast predicting future ups and downs that aren’t happening in obvious patterns historically is more likely to be less accurate than one that is forecast a straight or trend line only.

14. What is optimization? How does it work?
Optimization is an option for setting stocking policies where the software picks the stocking policy that yields the total lowest operating cost.  For example, if an item is very expensive to hold, a policy that has more stockouts, but less inventory would yield total lower costs than a policy that had fewer stockouts and more inventory.   On the other hand, if the item has a high stock out cost then a policy that yields fewer stockouts but requires more inventory would yield more financial benefit than a policy that had less inventory but more stockouts.  When using the optimization feature, the user must specify the service level floor (the minimum service level).  The software will then decide whether a higher service level will yield a better return.  If it does, the reordering policies will target the higher service level.  If it doesn’t the reordering policies will default to the user defined service level floor.        This webinar provides details and explanations on the math behind optimization.  https://www.screencast.com/t/3CfKJoMe2Uj

15. What is a what-if scenario?
What-if scenarios enable you to try out different user-defined choices of inventory policy and test the predicted impact on metrics such as service levels, fill rates, and inventory value. To explore these scenarios, click on the Drivers tab, either at the summary level or the “Items” level, and enter the desired adjustments. You can then recalculate to see how these changes would affect your overall inventory performance. This allows you to compare various strategies and select the most cost-effective and efficient approach for your supply chain.

By addressing common questions and challenges, we’ve provided actionable insights to help you improve your inventory management practices. With Smart IP&O, you have the tools you need to make informed inventory decisions, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance.

Daily Demand Scenarios

In this Videoblog, we will explain how time series forecasting has emerged as a pivotal tool, particularly at the daily level, which Smart Software has been pioneering since its inception over forty years ago. The evolution of business practices from annual to more refined temporal increments like monthly and now daily data analysis illustrates a significant shift in operational strategies.

Initially, during the 1980s, the usual practice of using annual data for forecasting and the introduction of monthly data was considered innovative. This period marked the beginning of a trend toward increasing the resolution of data analysis, enabling businesses to capture and react to faster shifts in market dynamics. As we progressed into the 2000s, the norm of monthly data analysis was well-established, but the ‘cool kids’—innovators at the edge of business analytics—began experimenting with weekly data. This shift was driven by the need to synchronize business operations with increasingly volatile market conditions and consumer behaviors that demanded more rapid responses than monthly cycles could provide. Today, in the 2020s, while monthly data analysis remains common, the frontier has shifted again, this time towards daily data analysis, with some pioneers even venturing into hourly analytics.

The real power of daily data analysis lies in its ability to provide a detailed view of business operations, capturing daily fluctuations that might be overlooked by monthly or weekly data.  However, the complexities of daily data necessitate advanced analytical approaches to extract meaningful insights. At this level, understanding demand requires grappling with concepts like intermittency, seasonality, trend, and volatility. Intermittency, or the occurrence of zero-demand days, becomes more pronounced at a daily granularity and demands specialized forecasting techniques like Croston’s method for accurate predictions. Seasonality at a daily level can reveal multiple patterns—such as increased sales on weekends or holidays—that monthly data would mask. Trends can be observed as short-term increases or decreases in demand, demanding agile adjustment strategies. Finally, volatility at the daily level is accentuated, showing more significant swings in demand than seen in monthly or weekly analyses, which can affect inventory management strategies and the need for buffer stock. This level of complexity underscores the need for sophisticated analytical tools and expertise in daily data analysis.

In conclusion, the evolution from less frequent to daily time series forecasting marks a substantial shift in how businesses approach data analysis. This transition not only reflects the accelerating pace of business but also highlights the requirement for tools that can handle increased data granularity. Smart Software’s dedication to refining its analytical capabilities to manage daily data highlights the industry’s broader move towards more dynamic, responsive, and data-driven decision-making. This shift is not merely about keeping pace with time but about leveraging detailed insights to forge competitive advantages in an ever-changing business environment.


Constructive Play with Digital Twins

Those of you who track hot topics will be familiar with the term “digital twin.” Those who have been too busy with work may want to read on and catch up.

What is a digital twin?

While there are several definitions of digital twin, here’s one that works well:

A digital twin is a dynamic virtual copy of a physical asset, process, system, or environment that looks like and behaves identically to its real-world counterpart. A digital twin ingests data and replicates processes so you can predict possible performance outcomes and issues that the real-world product might undergo. [Source: Unity.com]. For additional background, you might go to Mckinsey.com.

What is the difference between a digital twin (hereafter DT) and a model? Primarily, a DT gets connected to real-time data to maintain the model as an up-to-the-minute representation of the system you are working with.

Our current products might be called “slow-motion DT’s” because they are usually used with non-real-time data (though not stale data, since it is updated overnight) and applied to problems like planning the next quarter’s raw material buys or setting inventory parameters for a month or longer.

Are people using digital twins in my industry?

My impression is that the penetration of DT’s may be highest in the aerospace and nuclear industries. Most of our customers are elsewhere: in manufacturing, distribution, and public utilities such as transportation and power. Soon we’ll be offering new products that come closer to the strict definition of a DT that is connected intimately to the system it represents.

DT Preview

Most users of Smart Inventory Optimization (SIO) run the application periodically, typically monthly. SIO analyzes current demand for inventory items and recent supplier lead times, converting these into demand and supply scenarios, respectively. Then users either interactively (for individual items) or automatically (at scale) set inventory control parameters that will provide the long-term average performance they want, balancing the competing goals of minimizing inventory while guaranteeing a sufficient level of item availability.

Smart Supply Planner (SSP) operates in a more immediate way to react to contingencies. Any day could bring an anomalous order that spikes up demand, such as when a new customer places a surprising initial stocking order. Or a key supplier could experience a problem at its factory and be forced to delay shipment of your planned replenishment orders. In the long run, these contingencies average out and justify the recommendations coming out of SIO. However, SSP will give you a way to react in the short run to seize opportunities or dodge bullets.

At its core, SSP operates like SIO in that it is scenario driven. The differences are that it uses short planning horizons and uses real-time initial conditions as the basis for its simulations of inventory system performance. Then it will provide real-time recommendations for interventions that offset the disruption caused by the contingencies. These would include cancelling or expediting replenishment orders.


Digital twins let you try out plans “in silico” before you implement them in the factory or warehouse. At their core are mathematical models of your operation but connected to real-time data. They provide a “digital sandbox” in which you can try out ideas and get immediate predictions of how well they will work. Much more than a spreadsheet, DT’s will soon be the key tool in your inventory planning toolbox.


Are You Playing the Inventory Guessing Game?

Some companies invest in software to help them manage their inventory, whether it’s spare parts or finished goods. But a surprising number of others play the Inventory Guessing Game every day, trusting to an imagined “Golden Gut” or to plain luck to set their inventory control parameters. But what kind of results do you expect with that approach?

How good are you at intuiting the right values? This blog post challenges you to guess the best Min and Max values for a notional inventory item. We’ll show you its demand history, give you a few relevant facts, then you can pick Min and Max values and see how well they would work. Ready?

The Challenge

Figure 1 shows the daily demand history of the item. The average demand is 2 units per day. Replenishment lead time is a constant 10 days (which is unrealistic but works in your favor). Orders that cannot be filled immediately from stock cannot be backordered and are lost. You want to achieve at least an 80% fill rate, but not at any cost. You also want to minimize the average number of units on hand while still achieving at least an 80% fill rate. What Min and Max values would produce an 80% fill rate with the lowest average number of units on hand? [Record your answers for checking later. The solution appears below at the end of the article.]

Are You Playing the Inventory Guessing Game-1

Computing the Best Min and Max Values

The way to determine the best values is to use a digital twin, also known as a Monte Carlo simulation. The analysis creates a multitude of demand scenarios and passes them through the mathematical logic of the inventory control system to see what values will be taken on by key performance indicators (KPI’s).

We built a digital twin for this problem and systematically exercised it with 1,085 pairs of Min and Max values. For each pair, we simulated 365 days of operation a total of 100 times. Then we averaged the results to assess the performance of the Min/Max pair in terms of two KPI’s: fill rate and average on hand inventory.

Figure 2 shows the results. The inherent tradeoff between inventory size and fill rate is clear in the figure: if you want a higher fill rate, you have to accept a larger inventory. However, at each level of inventory there is a range of fill rates, so the game is to find the Min/Max pair that yields the highest fill rate for any given size inventory.

A different way to interpret Figure 2 is to focus on the dashed green line marking the target 80% fill rate. There are many Min/Max pairs that can hit near the 80% target, but they differ in inventory size from about 6 to about 8 units. Figure 3 zooms in on that region of Figure 2 to show  quite a number of Min/Max pairs that are competitive.

We sorted the results of all 1,085 simulations to identify what economists call the efficient frontier. The efficient frontier is the set of most efficient Min/Max pairs to exploit the tradeoff between fill rate and units on hand. That is, it is a list of Min/Max pairs that provide the least cost way to achieve any desired fill rate, not just 80%. Figure 4 shows the efficient frontier for this problem. Moving from left to right, you can read off the lowest price you would have to pay (as measured by average inventory size) to achieve any target fill rate. For example, to achieve a 90% fill rate, you would have to carry an average inventory of about 10 units.

Figures 2, 3, and 4 show results for various Min/Max pairs but do not display the values of Min and Max behind each point. Table 1 displays all the simulation data: the values of Min, Max, average units on hand and fill rate. The answer to the guessing game is highlighted in the first line of the table: Min=7 and Max=131. Did you get the right answer, or something close2? Did you maybe get onto the efficient frontier?


Maybe you got lucky, or maybe you do indeed have a Golden Gut, but it’s more likely you didn’t get the right answer, and it’s even more likely you didn’t even try. Figuring out the right answer is extremely difficult without using the digital twin. Guessing is unprofessional.

One step up from guessing is “guess and see”, in which you implement your guess and then wait a while (months?) to see if you like the results. That tactic is at least “scientific”, but it is inefficient.

Now consider the effort to work out the best (Min,Max) pairs for thousands of items. At that scale, there is even less justification for playing the Inventory Guessing Game. The right answer is to play it… Smart3.

1 This answer has a bonus, in that it achieves a bit more than 80% fill rate at a lower average inventory size than the Min/Max combination that hit exactly 80%. In other words, (7,13) is on the efficient frontier.

2 Because these results come from a simulation instead of an exact mathematical equation, there is a certain margin of error associated with each estimated fill rate and inventory level. However, because the average results were based on 100 simulations each 365 days long, the margins of error are small. Across all experiments, the average standard errors in fill rate and mean inventory were, respectively, only 0.009% and 0.129 units.

3 In case you didn’t know this, one of the founders of Smart Software was … Charlie Smart.

Are You Playing the Inventory Guessing Game-111

Are You Playing the Inventory Guessing Game-Table 1


How to Tell You Don’t Really Have an Inventory Planning and Forecasting Policy

The Smart Forecaster

 Pursuing best practices in demand planning,

forecasting and inventory optimization

You can’t properly manage your inventory levels, let alone optimize them, if you don’t have a handle on exactly how demand forecasts and stocking parameters (such as Min/Max, safety stocks, and reorder points, and order quantities) are determined.

Many organizations cannot specify how policy inputs are calculated or identify situations calling for management overrides to the policy.   For example, many people can say they rely on a particular planning method such as Min/Max, reorder point, or forecast with safety stock, but they can’t say exactly how these planning inputs are calculated.  More fundamentally, they may not understand what would happen to their KPI’s if they were to change Min,Max, or Safety Stock. They may know that the forecast relies on “averages” or “history” or “sales input”, but specific details about how the final forecast is arrived at are unclear.

Often enough, a company’s inventory planning and forecasting logic was developed by a former employee or vanished consultant and entombed in a spreadsheet.  It otherwise may rely on outdated ERP functionality or ERP customization by an IT organization that incorrectly assumed that ERP software can and should do everything. (Read this great and, as they say, “funny because it’s true,” blog by Shaun Snapp about ERP Centric Strategies.)  The policy may not have been properly documented, and no one currently on the job can improve it or use it to best advantage.

This unhappy situation leads to another, in which buyers and inventory planners flat out ignore the output from the ERP system, forcing reliance on Microsoft Excel to determine order schedules.  Ad hoc methods are developed that impede cohesive responses to operational issues and aren’t visible to the rest of the organization (unless you want your CFO to learn the complex and finicky spreadsheet).  These methods often rely on rules of thumb, averaging techniques, or textbook statistics without a full understanding of their shortcomings or applicability.  And even when documented, most companies often discover that actual ordering strays from the documented policy.  One company we consulted for had on hand inventory levels that were routinely 2 x’s the Max quantity!  In other words, there isn’t really a policy at all.

In summary, many current inventory and demand forecast “systems” were developed out of distrust for the previous system’s suggestions but don’t actually improve KPI’s.  They also force the organization to rely on a few employees to manage demand forecasting, daily ordering, and inventory replenishment.

And when there is a problem, it is impossible for the executive team to unwind how you got there, because there are too many moving parts.  For example, was the excess stock the fault of an inaccurate demand forecast that relied on an averaging method that didn’t account for a declining demand?  Or was it due to an outdated lead time setting that was higher than it should’ve been?  Or was it due to a forecast override a planner made to account for an order that just never happened?  And who gave the feedback to make that override?  A customer? Salesperson?

Do you have any of these problems?  If so, you are wasting hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars each year in unnecessary shortage costs, holding costs, and ordering costs.  What would you be able to do with that extra cash?  Imagine the impact that this would have on your business.

This blog details the top 10 questions that you can ask in order to uncover what’s really happening at your company.  We detail the typical answers provided when a forecasting/inventory planning policy doesn’t really exist, explain how to interpret these answers, and offer some clear advice on what to do about it.


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