Smart Software Customer, Arizona Public Service to Present at USMA 2023

Belmont, MA, – Smart Software, Inc., provider of industry-leading demand forecasting, planning, and inventory optimization solutions, today announced that its customer, Arizona Public Service (APS) will present at USMA 2023.

Joseph Neuheisel, Inventory & Logistics Manager at APS, will lead the session at USMA 2023. The presentation will focus on how APS implemented Smart Inventory Planning and Optimization (Smart IP&O) as part of the company’s strategic supply chain optimization initiative. Mr. Neuheisel will detail their prior process, implementation, challenges they faced, results, and lessons learned. Smart IP&O was implemented in just 90 days and now enables APS to optimize its reorder points and order quantities for over 250,000 spare parts helping to reduce inventory and maintain service levels.


The Utility Supply Management Alliance  (USMA )
The USMA is a multi-national association of individuals serving the electric, gas, and water utilities. With deregulation and re-regulation of the Electric and Gas Utilities industries, the demands of the customer are also changing, making it necessary for the Electric and Gas Utilities to pay significant attention to cost and competition. The supply chain for material and equipment services has a significant impact on the cost of electricity and gas. Hence there are great opportunities to contribute to the bottom line through reduced cost as a result of improved reorganization and management of the supply chain process. The role of the USMA is to understand the sophisticated workings of the supply chain to provide its customers (utilities, suppliers, manufacturers, etc.) with skills and tools to realize profit opportunities in the supply chain. These skills and tools will be provided to the USMA customer through workshops at its annual conference.


About Smart Software, Inc.
Founded in 1981, Smart Software, Inc. is a leader in providing businesses with enterprise-wide demand forecasting, planning, and inventory optimization solutions.  Smart Software’s demand forecasting and inventory optimization solutions have helped thousands of users worldwide, including customers such as Arizona Public Service, Ameren, and The American Red Cross.  Smart’s Inventory Planning & Optimization Platform, Smart IP&O gives demand planners the tools to handle sales seasonality, promotions, new and aging products, multi-dimensional hierarchies, and intermittently demanded service parts and capital goods items.  It also provides inventory managers with accurate estimates of the optimal inventory and safety stock required to meet future orders and achieve desired service levels.  Smart Software is headquartered in Belmont, Massachusetts, and our website is


For more information, please contact Smart Software, Inc., Four Hill Road, Belmont, MA 02478.
Phone: 1-800-SMART-99 (800-762-7899); FAX: 1-617-489-2748; E-mail:



What data is needed to support Demand Planning Software Implementations

We recently met with the IT team at one of our customers to discuss data requirements and installation of our API based integration that would pull data from their on-premises installation of their ERP system.   The IT manager and analyst both expressed significant concern about providing this data and seriously questioned why it needed to be provided at all.  They even voiced concerns that their data might be resold to their competition. Their reaction was a big surprise to us.  We wrote this blog with them in mind and to make it easier for others to communicate why certain data is necessary to support an effective demand planning process. 

Please note that if you are a forecast analyst, demand planner, of supply chain professional then most of what you’ll read below will be obvious.  But what this meeting taught me is that what is obvious to one group of specialists isn’t going to be obvious to another group of specialists in an entirely different field. 

The Four main types of data that are needed are:  

  1. Historical transactions, such as sales orders and shipments.
  2. Job usage transactions, such as what components are needed to produce finished goods
  3. Inventory Transfer transactions, such as what inventory was shipped from one location to another.
  4. Pricing, costs, and attributes, such as the unit cost paid to the supplier, the unit price paid by the customer, and various meta data like product family, class, etc.  

Below is a brief explanation of why this data is needed to support a company’s implementation of demand planning software.

Transactional records of historical sales and shipments by customer
Think of what was drawn out of inventory as the “raw material” required by demand planning software.  This can be what was sold to whom and when or what you shipped to whom and when.  Or what raw materials or subassemblies were consumed in work orders and when.  Or what is supplied to a satellite warehouse from a distribution center and when.

The history of these transactions is analyzed by the software and used to produce statistical forecasts that extrapolate observed patterns.  The data is evaluated to uncover patterns such as trend, seasonality, cyclical patterns, and to identify potential outliers that require business attention.  If this data is not generally accessible or updated in irregular intervals, then it is nearly impossible to create a good prediction of the future demand.  Yes, you could use business knowledge or gut feel but that doesn’t scale and nearly always introduces bias into the forecast (i.e., consistently forecasting too high or too low). 

Data is needed at the transactional level to support finer grained forecasting at the weekly or even daily levels.  For example, as a business enters its busy season it may want to start forecasting weekly to better align production to demand.  You can’t easily do that without having the transactional data in a well-structured data warehouse. 

It might also be the case that certain types of transactions shouldn’t be included in demand data.  This can happen when demand results from a steep discount or some other circumstance that the supply chain team knows will skew the results.  If the data is provided in the aggregate, it is much harder to segregate these exceptions.  At Smart Software, we call the process of figuring out which transactions (and associated transactional attributes) should be counted in the demand signal as “demand signal composition.” Having access to all the transactions enables a company to modify their demand signal as needed over time within the software.  Only providing some of the data results in a far more rigid demand composition that can only be remedied with additional implementation work.

Pricing and Costs
The price you sold your products for and the cost you paid to procure them (or raw materials) is critical to being able to forecast in revenue or costs.  An important part of the demand planning process is getting business knowledge from customers and sales teams.  Sales teams tend to think of demand by customer or product category and speak in the language of dollars.  So, it is important to express a forecast in dollars.  The demand planning system cannot do that if the forecast is shown in units only. 

Often, the demand forecast is used to drive or at least influence a larger planning & budgeting process and the key input to a budget is a forecast of revenue.  When demand forecasts are used to support the S&OP process, the Demand Planning software should either average pricing across all transactions or apply “time-phased” conversions that consider the price sold at that time.   Without the raw data on pricing and costs, the demand planning process can still function, but it will be severely impaired. 

Product attributes, Customer Details, and Locations
Product attributes are needed so that forecasters can aggregate forecasts across different product families, groups, commodity codes, etc. It is helpful to know how many units and total projected dollarized demand for different categories.  Often, business knowledge about what the demand might be in the future is not known at the product level but is known at the product family level, customer level, or regional level.  With the addition of product attributes to your demand planning data feed, you can easily “roll up” forecasts from the item level to a family level.  You can convert forecasts at these levels to dollars and better collaborate on how the forecast should be modified.  

Once the knowledge is applied in the form of a forecast override, the software will automatically reconcile the change to all the individual items that comprise the group.  This way, a forecast analyst doesn’t have to individually adjust every part.  They can make a change at the aggregate level and let the demand planning software do the reconciliation for them. 

Grouping for ease of analysis also applies to customer attributes, such as assigned salesperson or a customer’s preferred ship from location.  And location attributes can be useful, such as assigned region.  Sometimes attributes relate to a product and location combination, like preferred supplier or assigned planner, which can differ for the same product depending on warehouse.


A final note on confidentiality

Recall that our customer expressed concern that we might sell their data to a competitor. We would never do that. For decades, we have been using customer data for training purposes and for improving our products. We are scrupulous about safeguarding customer data and anonymizing anything that might be used, for instance, to illustrate a point in a blog post.




Types of forecasting problems we help solve

Here are examples of forecasting problems that SmartForecasts can solve, along with the kinds of business data representative of each.

Forecasting an item based on its pattern

Given the following six quarterly sales figures, what sales can you expect for the third and fourth quarters of 2023?

Forecasting an item based on its pattern

Sales by Quarter

SmartForecasts gives you many ways to approach this problem. You can make your own statistical forecasts using any of six different exponential smoothing and moving average methods. Or, like most nontechnical forecasters, you can use the time-saving Automatic command, which has been programmed to automatically select and use the most accurate method for your data. Finally, to incorporate your business judgment into the forecasting process, you can graphically adjust any statistical forecast result using SmartForecasts’ “eyeball” adjustment capabilities.


Forecasting an item based on its relationship to other variables.

Given the following historical relationship between unit sales and the number of sales representatives, what sales levels can you expect when the planned increase in sales staff takes place over the final two quarters of 2023?

Forecasting an item based on its relationship to other variables.

Sales and Sales Representatives by Quarter

You can answer a question like this using SmartForecasts’ powerful Regression command, designed specifically to facilitate forecasting applications that require regression analysis solutions. Regression models with an essentially unlimited number of independent/predictor variables are possible, although most useful regression models use only a handful of predictors.


Simultaneously forecasting a number of product items and their total

Given the following total sales for all dress shirts and the distribution of sales by color, what will individual and total sales be over the next six months?

Forecasting an item based on its relationship to other variables.

Monthly Dress Shirt Sales by Color

SmartForecasts’ unique Group Forecasting features automatically and simultaneously forecasts closely related time series, such as these items in the same product group. This saves considerable time and provides forecast results not only for the individual items but also for their total. “Eyeball” adjustments at both the item and group levels are easy to make. You can quickly create forecasts for product groups with hundreds or even thousands of items.


Forecasting thousands of items automatically

Given the following record of product demand at the SKU level, what can you expect demand to be over the next six months for each of the 5,000 SKUs?

Forecasting thousands of items automatically

Monthly Product Demand by SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

In just a few minutes, SmartForecasts’ powerful Automatic Selection can take a forecasting job of this size, read the product demand data, automatically create statistical forecasts for each SKU, and saves the result. The results are then ready for export to your ERP system leveraging any one of our API-based connectors or via file export.  Once set up, forecasts will automatically be produced each planning cycle without intervention by the user.


Forecasting demand that is most often zero

A distinct and especially challenging type of data to forecast is intermittent demand, which is most often zero but jumps up to random nonzero values at random times. This pattern is typical of demand for slow moving items, such as service parts or big ticket capital goods.

For example, consider the following sample of demand for aircraft service parts. Note the preponderance of zero values with nonzero values mixed in, often in bursts.

Forecasting demand that is most often zero

SmartForecasts has a unique method designed especially for this type of data: the Intermittent Demand forecasting feature. Since intermittent demand arises most often in the context of inventory control, this feature focuses on forecasting the range of likely values for the total demand over a lead time, e.g., cumulative demand over the period Jun-23 to Aug-23 in the example above.


Forecasting inventory requirements

Forecasting inventory requirements is a specialized variant of forecasting that focuses on the high end of the range of possible future values.

For simplicity, consider the problem of forecasting inventory requirements for just one period ahead, say one day ahead. Usually, the forecasting job is to estimate the most likely or average level of product demand. However, if available inventory equals the average demand, there is about a 50% chance that demand will exceed inventory, resulting in lost sales and/or lost good will. Setting the inventory level at, say, ten times the average demand will probably eliminate the problem of stockouts, but will just as surely result in bloated inventory costs.

The trick of inventory optimization is to find a satisfactory balance between having enough inventory to meet most demand without tying up too many resources in the process. Usually, the solution is a blend of business judgment and statistics. The judgmental part is to define an acceptable inventory service level, such as meeting 95% of demand immediately from stock. The statistical part is to estimate the 95th percentile of demand.

When not dealing with intermittent demand, SmartForecasts estimates the required inventory level by assuming a bell-shaped (Normal) curve of demand, estimating both the middle and the width of the bell curve, then using a standard statistical formula to estimate the desired percentile. The difference between the desired inventory level and the average level of demand is called the safety stock because it protects against the possibility of stockouts.

When dealing with intermittent demand, the bell-shaped curve is a poor approximation to the statistical distribution of demand. In this special case, SmartForecasts uses patented intermittent demand forecasting technology to estimate the required inventory service level.



Smart Software to Present at Epicor Insights 2023

Smart Software to present Epicor Insights 2023 sessions on how to extend Epicor forecasting and inventory planning with Smart IP&O

Belmont, MA, May 2023 – Smart Software, Inc., provider of industry-leading demand forecasting, planning, and inventory optimization solutions, today announced that it will present at Epicor Insights 2023 in Las Vegas, NV.

Smart Software will lead two sessions focusing on specific approaches to demand forecasting and inventory planning that enable Epicor Kinetic and Epicor Prophet 21 users to increase profitability, improve service levels, and reduce inventory holding costs.  A third customer led session will profile how the use of The Smart IP&O Inventory Planning and Optimization platform drove substantial reductions in stockouts for a leading automotive mobility manufacturer.

Epicor Insight’s attendees may participate in any of the following sessions and are welcome to visit us at the Smart Software booth for a one-on-one consultation.


  • The Prophet 21 presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16th, 1:20 pm (CST) 

Extend Prophet 21’s Forecasting & Inventory Planning with Smart IP&O


  • The Kinetic presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16th, 2:25 pm (CST) 

Extend Your Kinetic Forecasting and Inventory Planning with Smart IP&O


  • The Customer Led presentation is scheduled for Wednesday May 17th, 2:20 pm (CST) 

Customer-Led Optimizing Critical Parts Inventory Using Smart Inventory Solutions


To learn more about Epicor Insights, visit here:


About Smart Software, Inc.
Founded in 1981, Smart Software, Inc. is a leader in providing businesses with enterprise-wide demand forecasting, planning, and inventory optimization solutions.  Smart Software’s demand forecasting and inventory optimization solutions have helped thousands of users worldwide, including customers such as Disney, Arizona Public Service, and Ameren.  Smart’s Inventory Planning & Optimization Platform, Smart IP&O gives demand planners the tools to handle sales seasonality, promotions, new and aging products, multi-dimensional hierarchies, and intermittently demanded service parts and capital goods items.  It also provides inventory managers with accurate estimates of the optimal inventory and safety stock required to meet future orders and achieve desired service levels.  Smart Software is headquartered in Belmont, Massachusetts, and our website is


For more information, please contact Smart Software, Inc., Four Hill Road, Belmont, MA 02478.
Phone: 1-800-SMART-99 (800-762-7899); FAX: 1-617-489-2748; E-mail:



Smart Software and Optimum Consulting Announce Strategic Partnership

Belmont, Mass., May 2023 – Smart Software, Inventory optimization, demand planning, and forecasting software leader, and Optimum Consulting, today announced their partnership to address the supply chain planning needs of the Manufacturing, Wholesale, and Retail industries in Australia and New Zealand. Optimum Consulting will sell and deploy Smart’s next-generation cloud platform, Smart Inventory Planning & Optimization (Smart IP&O™), as an integral part of its Sales, Operations, and Inventory Planning (SIOP) practice.

Smart Software is a Microsoft Co-sell-ready partner and, over the years, has created a flawless connector to integrate tools with Microsoft Dynamics. The integration brings the cloud-based Smart IP&O (Inventory Planning and Optimization) into the latest version of Microsoft Dynamic solution. By seamlessly integrating strategic planning in Smart IP&O with operational execution in Dynamics, business users can continuously predict, respond, and plan more effectively in today’s uncertain business environment. Smart’s unique approach to planning intermittent demand is especially impactful for public utilities and transit agencies, given the prevalence of spare parts with highly sporadic, seemingly unforecastable usage.

Optimum Consulting is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Solutions Partner who is totally committed to the Manufacturing, Wholesale, and Retail industries in Australia and New Zealand. The Team’s experts help clients build agile operating models, drive business process improvements, and turn customers into advocates by delivering end-to-end Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Apps, Business Intelligence & Analytics, and Managed Services Solutions.

“Smart Software helps our customers by delivering insightful business analytics for inventory modeling and forecasting that drive ordering and replenishment in the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics. With Smart IP&O, our customers gain a means to shape inventory strategy to align with the business objectives while empowering their planning teams to reduce inventory and improve service,” says  Matthew Lingard, CEO at  Optimum Consulting

“Maximizing the benefits our solutions can provide requires the expertise and perspective to consider requirements, set goals, and to develop the supporting business process that ensures adoption and benefits. These are the qualities that The New Partner brings to the table and we look forward to our joint success,”…. says Greg Hartunian, President, and CEO at Smart Software


About Smart Software, Inc.

Founded in 1981, Smart Software, Inc. is a leader in providing businesses with enterprise-wide demand forecasting, planning and inventory optimization solutions.  Smart Software’s demand forecasting and inventory optimization solutions have helped thousands of users worldwide, including customers at mid-market enterprises and Fortune 500 companies, such as Disney, Arizona Public Service, and Ameren.  Smart Inventory Planning & Optimization gives demand planners the tools to handle sales seasonality, promotions, new and aging products, multi-dimensional hierarchies, and intermittently demanded service parts and capital goods items.  It also provides inventory managers with accurate estimates of the optimal inventory and safety stock required to meet future orders and achieve desired service levels.  Smart Software is headquartered in Belmont, Massachusetts and can be found on the World Wide Web at


About the Partner, Inc.

Optimum Consulting is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Solutions Partner who is totally committed to the Manufacturing, Wholesale, and Retail industries in Australia and New Zealand. The Team’s experts help clients build agile operating models, drive business process improvements, and turn customers into advocates by delivering end-to-end Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Apps, Business Intelligence & Analytics, and Managed Services Solutions. The Team’s functional expertise covers eCommerce, Retail, Pricing & Promotions, Customer Data Platform, Customer Journey Mapping, Customer Experience, Forecasting & Master Planning, Advanced Warehouse, and Production Planning.  Optimum Consulting’s technical capabilities span across Commerce Design and Development, Commerce Server, Point of Sale (POS) Development, Finance and Supply Chain Management (SCM) Development, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), Data Warehouse and Data Lake, and related Microsoft Cloud solutions.



For more information, please contact Smart Software, Inc., Four Hill Road, Belmont, MA 02478.
Phone: 1-800-SMART-99 (800-762-7899); FAX: 1-617-489-2748; E-mail: