Using Key Performance Predictions to Plan Stocking Policies

I can’t imagine being an inventory planner in spare parts, distribution, or manufacturing and having to create safety stock levels, reorder points, and order suggestions without using key performance predictions of service levels, fill rates, and inventory costs:

Using Key Performance Predictions to Plan Stocking Policies Iventory

Smart’s Inventory Optimization solution generates out-of-the-box key performance predictions that dynamically simulate how your current stocking policies will perform against possible future demands.  It reports on how often you’ll stock out, the size of the stockouts, the value of your inventory, holding costs, and more.  It lets you proactively identify problems before they occur so you can take corrective action in the short term. You can create what-if scenarios by setting targeted service levels and modifying lead times so you an see the predicted impact of these changes before committing to it.

For example,

  • You can see if a proposed move from the current service level of 90% to a targeted service level of 97% is financially advantageous
  • You can automatically identify if a different service level target is even more profitable to your business that the proposed target.
  • You can see exactly how much you’ll need to increase your reorder points to accommodate a longer lead time.


If you aren’t equipping planners with the right tools, they’ll be forced to set stocking policies, safety stock levels, and create demand forecasts in Excel or with outdated ERP functionality.   Not knowing how policies are predicted to perform will leave your company ill equipped to properly allocate inventory.  Contact us today to learn how we can help!


Top Differences Between Inventory Planning for Finished Goods and for MRO and Spare Parts

What’s different about inventory planning for Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) compared to inventory planning in manufacturing and distribution environments? In short, it’s the nature of the demand patterns combined with the lack of actionable business knowledge.

Demand Patterns

Manufacturers and distributors tend to focus on the top sellers that generate the majority of their revenue. These items typically have high demand that is relatively easy to forecast with traditional time series models that capitalize on predictable trend and/or seasonality.  In contrast, MRO planners almost always deal with intermittent demand, which is more sparse, more random, and harder to forecast.  Furthermore, the fundamental quantities of interest are different. MRO planners ultimately care most about the “when” question:  When will something break? Whereas the others focus on the “how much” question of units sold.


Business Knowledge

Manufacturing and distribution planners can often count on gathering customer and sales feedback, which can be combined with statistical methods to improve forecast accuracy. On the other hand, bearings, gears, consumable parts, and repairable parts are rarely willing to share their opinions. With MRO, business knowledge about which parts will be needed and when just isn’t reliable (excepting planned maintenance when higher-volume consumable parts are replaced). So, MRO inventory planning success goes only as far as their probability models’ ability to predict future usage takes them. And since demand is so intermittent, they can’t get past Go with traditional approaches.


Methods for MRO

In practice, it is common for MRO and asset-intensive businesses to manage inventories by resorting to static Min/Max levels based on subjective multiples of average usage, supplemented by occasional manual overrides based on gut feel. The process becomes a bad mixture of static and reactive, with the result that a lot of time and money is wasted on expediting.

There are alternative planning methods based more on math and data, though this style of planning is less common in MRO than in the other domains. There are two leading approaches to modeling part and machine breakdown: models based on reliability theory and “condition-based maintenance” models based on real-time monitoring.


Reliability Models

Reliability models are the simpler of the two and require less data. They assume that all items of the same type, say a certain spare part, are statistically equivalent. Their key component is a “hazard function”, which describes the risk of failure in the next little interval of time. The hazard function can be translated into something better suited for decision making: the “survival function”, which is the probability that the item is still working after X amount of use (where X might be expressed in days, months, miles, uses, etc.). Figure 1 shows a constant hazard function and its corresponding survival function.


MRO and Spare Parts function and its survival function

Figure 1: Constant hazard function and its survival function


A hazard function that doesn’t change implies that only random accidents will cause a failure. In contrast, a hazard function that increases over time implies that the item is wearing out. And a decreasing hazard function implies that an item is settling in. Figure 2 shows an increasing hazard function and its corresponding survival function.


MRO and Spare Parts Increasing hazard function and survival function

Figure 2: Increasing hazard function and its survival function


Reliability models are often used for inexpensive parts, such as mechanical fasteners, whose replacement may be neither difficult nor expensive (but still might be essential).


Condition-Based Maintenance

Models based on real-time monitoring are used to support condition-based maintenance (CBM) for expensive items like jet engines. These models use data from sensors embedded in the items themselves. Such data are usually complex and proprietary, as are the probability models supported by the data. The payoff from real-time monitoring is that you can see trouble coming, i.e., the deterioration is made visible, and forecasts can predict when the item will hit its red line and therefore need to be taken off the field of play. This allows individualized, pro-active maintenance or replacement of the item.

Figure 3 illustrates the kind of data used in CBM. Each time the system is used, there is a contribution to its cumulative wear and tear. (However, note that sometimes use can improve the condition of the unit, as when rain helps keep a piece of machinery cool). You can see the general trend upward toward a red line after which the unit will require maintenance. You can extrapolate the cumulative wear to estimate when it will hit the red line and plan accordingly.


MRO and Spare Parts real-time monitoring for condition-based maintenance

Figure 3: Illustrating real-time monitoring for condition-based maintenance


To my knowledge, nobody makes such models of their finished goods customers to predict when and how much they will next order, perhaps because the customers would object to wearing brain monitors all the time. But CBM, with its complex monitoring and modeling, is gaining in popularity for can’t-fail systems like jet engines. Meanwhile, classical reliability models still have a lot of value for managing large fleets of cheaper but still essential items.


Smart’s approach
The above condition-based maintenance and reliability approaches require an excessive data collection and cleansing burden that many MRO companies are unable to manage. For those companies, Smart offers an approach that does not require development of reliability models. Instead, it exploits usage data in a different way. It leverages probability-based models of both usage and supplier lead times to simulate thousands of possible scenarios for replenishment lead times and demand.  The result is an accurate distribution of demand and lead times for each consumable part that can be exploited to determine optimal stocking parameters.   Figure 4 shows a simulation that begins with a scenario for spare part demand (upper plot) then produces a scenario of on-hand supply for particular choices of Min/Max values (lower line). Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be estimated by averaging the results of many such simulations.

MRO and Spare Parts simulation of demand and on-hand inventory

Figure 4: An example of a simulation of spare part demand and on-hand inventory

You can read about Smart’s approach to forecasting spare parts here:



Spare Parts Planning Software solutions

Smart IP&O’s service parts forecasting software uses a unique empirical probabilistic forecasting approach that is engineered for intermittent demand. For consumable spare parts, our patented and APICS award winning method rapidly generates tens of thousands of demand scenarios without relying on the assumptions about the nature of demand distributions implicit in traditional forecasting methods. The result is highly accurate estimates of safety stock, reorder points, and service levels, which leads to higher service levels and lower inventory costs. For repairable spare parts, Smart’s Repair and Return Module accurately simulates the processes of part breakdown and repair. It predicts downtime, service levels, and inventory costs associated with the current rotating spare parts pool. Planners will know how many spares to stock to achieve short- and long-term service level requirements and, in operational settings, whether to wait for repairs to be completed and returned to service or to purchase additional service spares from suppliers, avoiding unnecessary buying and equipment downtime.

Contact us to learn more how this functionality has helped our customers in the MRO, Field Service, Utility, Mining, and Public Transportation sectors to optimize their inventory. You can also download the Whitepaper here.



White Paper: What you Need to know about Forecasting and Planning Service Parts


This paper describes Smart Software’s patented methodology for forecasting demand, safety stocks, and reorder points on items such as service parts and components with intermittent demand, and provides several examples of customer success.


    What is Inventory Planning? A Brief Dictionary of Inventory-Related Terms

    Inventory Control concerns the management of physical goods, focusing on an accurate and up-to-the-minute count of every item in inventory and where it is located, as well as efficient retrieval of items. Relevant technologies include computer databases, barcoding, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and the use of robots for retrieval.

    Inventory Management aims to execute the inventory policy defined by the company. Inventory Management is often accomplished using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, which generate purchase orders, production orders, and reporting that details current inventory on hand, incoming, and up for order.

    Inventory Planning sets operational policy details, such as item-specific reorder points and order quantities, and predicts future demand and supplier lead times. Important components of an inventory planning process include what-if scenarios for netting out on-hand inventory, analyzing how changes to demand, lead times, and stocking policies will impact ordering, as well as managing exceptions and contingencies.

    Inventory Optimization utilizes an analytical process that computes values for inventory planning parameters (e.g., reorder points and order quantities) that optimize a numerical goal or “objective function” without violating a numerical constraint. For instance, an objective function might be to achieve the lowest possible inventory operating cost (defined as the sum of inventory holding costs, ordering costs, and shortage costs), and the constraint might be to achieve a fill rate of at least 90%. Using a mathematical model of the inventory system and probability forecasts of item demand, inventory optimization can quickly and automatically suggest how to best manage thousands of inventory items.

    How does your ERP system treat safety stock?

    Is safety stock regarded as emergency spares or as a day-to-day buffer against spikes in demand? Knowing the difference and configuring your ERP properly will make a big difference to your bottom line.

    The Safety Stock field in your ERP system can mean very different things depending on the configuration. Not understanding these differences and how they impact your bottom line is a common issue we’ve seen arise in implementations of our software.

    Implementing inventory optimization software starts with new customers completing the technical implementation to get data flowing.  They then receive user training and spend weeks carefully configuring their initial safety stocks, reorder levels, and consensus demand forecasts with Smart IP&O.  The team becomes comfortable with Smart’s key performance predictions (KPPs) for service levels, ordering costs, and inventory on hand, all of which are forecasted using the new stocking policies.

    But when they save the policies and forecasts to their ERP test system, sometimes the orders being suggested are far larger and more frequent than they expected, driving up projected inventory costs.

    When this happens, the primary culprit is how the ERP is configured to treat safety stock.  Being aware of these configuration settings will help planning teams better set expectations and achieve the expected outcomes with less effort (and cause for alarm!).

    Here are the three common examples of ERP safety stock configurations:

    Configuration 1. Safety Stock is treated as emergency stock that can’t be consumed. If a breach of safety stock is predicted, the ERP system will force an expedite no matter the cost so the inventory on hand never falls below safety stock, even if a scheduled receipt is already on order and scheduled to arrive soon.

    Configuration 2. Safety Stock is treated as Buffer stock that is designed to be consumed. The ERP system will place an order when a breach of safety stock is predicted but on hand inventory will be allowed to fall below the safety stock. The buffer stock protects against stockout during the resupply period (i.e., the lead time).

    Configuration 3. Safety Stock is ignored by the system and treated as a visual planning aid or rule of thumb. It is ignored by supply planning calculations but used by the planner to help make manual assessments of when to order.

    Note: We never recommend using the safety stock field as described in Configuration 3. In most cases, these configurations were not intended but result from years of improvisation that have led to using the ERP in a non-standard way.  Generally, these fields were designed to programmatically influence the replenishment calculations.  So, the focus of our conversation will be on Configurations 1 and 2. 

    Forecasting and inventory optimization systems are designed to compute forecasts that will anticipate inventory draw down and then calculate safety stocks sufficient to protect against variability in demand and supply. This means that the safety stock is intended to be used as a protective buffer (Configuration 2) and not as emergency sparse (Configuration 3).  It is also important to understand that, by design, the safety stock will be consumed approximately 50% of the time.

    Why 50%? Because actual orders will exceed an unbiased forecast half of the time. See the graphic below illustrating this.  A “good” forecast should yield the value that will come closest to the actual most often so actual demand will either be higher or lower without bias in either direction.


    How does your ERP system treat safety stock 1


    If you configured your ERP system to properly allow consumption of safety stock, then the on hand inventory might look like the graph below.  Note that some safety stock is consumed but avoided a stockout.  The service level you target when computing safety stock will dictate how often you stockout before the replenishment order arrives.  Average inventory is roughly 60 units over the time horizon in this scenario.


    How does your ERP system treat safety stock 2


    If your ERP system is configured to not allow consumption of safety stock and treats the quantity entered in the safety stock field more like emergency spares, then you will have a massive overstock!  Your inventory on hand would look like the graph below with orders being expedited as soon as a breach of safety stock is expected. Average inventory is roughly 90 units, a 50% increase compared to when you allowed safety stock to be consumed.


    How does your ERP system treat safety stock 3


    Bottom Line Strategies for Spare Parts Planning

    Managing spare parts presents numerous challenges, such as unexpected breakdowns, changing schedules, and inconsistent demand patterns. Traditional forecasting methods and manual approaches are ineffective in dealing with these complexities. To overcome these challenges, this blog outlines key strategies that prioritize service levels, utilize probabilistic methods to calculate reorder points, regularly adjust stocking policies, and implement a dedicated planning process to avoid excessive inventory. Explore these strategies to optimize spare parts inventory and improve operational efficiency.

    Bottom Line Upfront

    ​1.Inventory Management is Risk Management.

    2.Can’t manage risk well or at scale with subjective planning – Need to know service vs. cost.

    3.It’s not supply & demand variability that are the problem – it’s how you handle it.

    4.Spare parts have intermittent demand so traditional methods don’t work.

    5.Rule of thumb approaches don’t account for demand variability and misallocate stock.

    6.Use Service Level Driven Planning  (service vs. cost tradeoffs) to drive stock decisions.

    7.Probabilistic approaches such as bootstrapping yield accurate estimates of reorder points.

    8.Classify parts and assign service level targets by class.

    9.Recalibrate often – thousands of parts have old, stale reorder points.

    10.Repairable parts require special treatment.


    Do Focus on the Real Root Causes

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Causes

    Intermittent Demand

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Intermittent Demand


    • Slow moving, irregular or sporadic with a large percentage of zero values.
    • Non-zero values are mixed in randomly – spikes are large and varied.
    • Isn’t bell shaped (demand is not Normally distributed around the average.)
    • At least 70% of a typical Utility’s parts are intermittently demanded.

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning 4


    Normal Demand

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Intermittent Demand

    • Very few periods of zero demand (exception is seasonal parts.)
    • Often exhibits trend, seasonal, or cyclical patterns.
    • Lower levels of demand variability.
    • Is bell-shaped (demand is Normally distributed around the average.)

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning 5

    Don’t rely on averages

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Averages

    • OK for determining typical usage over longer periods of time.
    • Often forecasts more “accurately” than some advanced methods.
    • But…insufficient for determining what to stock.


    Don’t Buffer with Multiples of Averages

    Example:  Two equally important parts so let’s treat them the same.
    We’ll order more  when On Hand Inventory ≤ 2 x Avg Lead Time Demand.

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Multiple Averages


    Do use Service Level tradeoff curves to compute safety stock

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Service Level

    Standard Normal Probabilities

    OK for normal demand. Doesn’t work with intermittent demand!

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Standard Probabilities


    Don’t use Normal (Bell Shaped) Distributions

    • You’ll get the tradeoff curve wrong:

    – e.g., You’ll target 95% but achieve 85%.

    – e.g., You’ll target 99% but achieve 91%.

    • This is a huge miss with costly implications:

    – You’ll stock out more often than expected.

    – You’ll start to add subjective buffers to compensate and then overstock.

    – Lack of trust/second-guessing of outputs paralyzes planning.


    Why Traditional Methods Fail on Intermittent Demand: 

    Traditional Methods are not designed to address core issues in spare parts management.

    Need: Probability distribution (not bell-shaped) of demand over variable lead time.

    • Get: Prediction of average demand in each month, not a total over lead time.
    • Get: Bolted-on model of variability, usually the Normal model, usually wrong.

    Need: Exposure of tradeoffs between item availability and cost of inventory.

    • Get: None of this; instead, get a lot of inconsistent, ad-hoc decisions.


    Do use Statistical Bootstrapping to Predict the Distribution:

    Then exploit the distribution to optimize stocking policies.

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Predict Distribution


    How does Bootstrapping Work?

    24 Months of Historical Demand Data.

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Bootstrapping 1

    Bootstrap Scenarios for a 3-month Lead Time.

    Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Bootstrapping 2

    Bootstrapping Hits the Service Level Target with nearly 100% Accuracy!

    • National Warehousing Operation.

    Task: Forecast inventory stocking levels for 12,000 intermittently demanded SKUs at 95% & 99% service levels


    At 95% service level, 95.23% did not stock out.

    At 99% service level, 98.66% did not stock out.

    This means you can rely on output to set expectations and confidently make targeted stock adjustments that lower inventory and increase service.


    Set Target Service Levels According to Order Frequency & Size

    Set Target Service Levels According to Order Frequency


    Recalibrate Reorder Points Frequently

    • Static ROPs cause excess and shortages.
    • As lead time increases, so should the ROP and vice versa.
    • As usage decreases, so should the ROP and vice versa.
    • Longer you wait to recalibrate, the greater the imbalance.
    • Mountains of parts ordered too soon or too late.
    • Wastes buyers’ time placing the wrong orders.
    • Breeds distrust in systems and forces data silos.

    Recalibrate Reorder Points Frequently

    Do Plan Rotables (Repair Parts) Differently

    Do Plan Rotables (Repair Parts) Differently



    1.Inventory Management is Risk Management.

    2.Can’t manage risk well or at scale with subjective planning – Need to know service vs. cost.

    3.It’s not supply & demand variability that are the problem – it’s how you handle it.

    4.Spare parts have intermittent demand so traditional methods don’t work.

    5.Rule of thumb approaches don’t account demand variability and misallocate stock.

    6.Use Service Level Driven Planning  (service vs. cost tradeoffs) to drive stock decisions.

    7.Probabilistic approaches such as bootstrapping yield accurate estimates of reorder points.

    8.Classify parts and assign service level targets by class.

    9.Recalibrate often – thousands of parts have old, stale reorder points.

    10.Repairable parts require special treatment.


    Spare Parts Planning Software solutions

    Smart IP&O’s service parts forecasting software uses a unique empirical probabilistic forecasting approach that is engineered for intermittent demand. For consumable spare parts, our patented and APICS award winning method rapidly generates tens of thousands of demand scenarios without relying on the assumptions about the nature of demand distributions implicit in traditional forecasting methods. The result is highly accurate estimates of safety stock, reorder points, and service levels, which leads to higher service levels and lower inventory costs. For repairable spare parts, Smart’s Repair and Return Module accurately simulates the processes of part breakdown and repair. It predicts downtime, service levels, and inventory costs associated with the current rotating spare parts pool. Planners will know how many spares to stock to achieve short- and long-term service level requirements and, in operational settings, whether to wait for repairs to be completed and returned to service or to purchase additional service spares from suppliers, avoiding unnecessary buying and equipment downtime.

    Contact us to learn more how this functionality has helped our customers in the MRO, Field Service, Utility, Mining, and Public Transportation sectors to optimize their inventory. You can also download the Whitepaper here.



    White Paper: What you Need to know about Forecasting and Planning Service Parts


    This paper describes Smart Software’s patented methodology for forecasting demand, safety stocks, and reorder points on items such as service parts and components with intermittent demand, and provides several examples of customer success.