How to Forecast Inventory Requirements

Forecasting inventory requirements is a specialized variant of forecasting that focuses on the high end of the range of possible future demand.

For simplicity, consider the problem of forecasting inventory requirements for just one period ahead, say one day ahead. Usually, the forecasting job is to estimate the most likely or average level of product demand. However, if available inventory equals the average demand, there is about a 50% chance that demand will exceed inventory and result in lost sales and/or lost good will. Setting the inventory level at, say, ten times the average demand will probably eliminate the problem of stockouts, but will just as surely result in bloated inventory costs.

The trick of inventory optimization is to find a satisfactory balance between having enough inventory to meet most demand without tying up too many resources in the process. Usually, the solution is a blend of business judgment and statistics. The judgmental part is to define an acceptable inventory service level, such as meeting 95% of demand immediately from stock. The statistical part is to estimate the 95th percentile of demand.

When not dealing with intermittent demand, you can often estimate the required inventory level by assuming a bell-shaped (Normal) curve of demand, estimating both the middle and the width of the bell curve, then using a standard statistical formula to estimate the desired percentile. The difference between the desired inventory level and the average level of demand is called the “safety stock” because it protects against the possibility of stockouts.

When dealing with intermittent demand, the bell-shaped curve is a very poor approximation to the statistical distribution of demand. In this special case, Smart leverages patented technology for intermittent demand that is designed to accurately forecast the ranges and produce a better estimate of the safety stock needed to achieve the required inventory service level.


Everybody forecasts to drive inventory planning. It’s just a question of how.

Reveal how forecasts are used with these 4 questions.

Often companies will insist that they “don’t use forecasts” to plan inventory.  They often use reorder point methods and are struggling to improve on-time delivery, inventory turns, and other KPIs. While they don’t think of what they are doing as explicitly forecasting, they certainly use estimates of future demand to develop reorder points such as min/max.

Regardless of what it is called, everyone tries to estimate future demand in some way and uses this estimate to set stocking policies and drive orders. To improve inventory planning and make sure you aren’t over/under ordering and creating large stockouts and inventory bloat, it is important to understand exactly how your organization uses forecasts. Once this is understood, you can assess whether the quality of the forecasts can be improved.

Try getting answers to the following questions. It will reveal how forecasts are being used in your business – even if you don’t think you use forecasts.

1.  Is your forecast a period-by-period estimate over time that is used to predict what on-hand inventory will be in the future and triggers order suggestions in your ERP system?

2. Or is your forecast used to derive a reorder point but not explicitly used as a per-period driver to trigger orders? Here, I may predict we’ll sell 10 per week based on the history, but we are not loading 10, 10, 10, 10, etc., into the ERP. Instead, I derive a reorder point or Min that covers the two-period lead time + some amount of buffer to help protect against stock out. In this case, I’ll order more when on hand gets to 25.

3. Is your forecast used as a guide for the planner to help subjectively determine when they should order more?  Here, I predict 10 per week, and I assess the on-hand inventory periodically, review the expected lead time, and I decide, given the 40 units I have on hand today, that I have “enough.” So, I do nothing now but will check back again in a week.

4. Is it used to set up blanket orders with suppliers? Here, I predict 10 per week and agree to a blanket purchase order with the supplier of 520 per year. The orders are then placed in advance to arrive in quantities of 10 once per week until the blanket order is consumed.

Once you get the answers, you can then ask how the estimates of demand are created.  Is it an average? Is it deriving demand over lead time from a sales forecast?  Is there a statistical forecast generated somewhere?  What methods are considered? It will also be important to assess how safety stocks are used to protect against demand and supply variability.  More on all of this in a future article.


What Silicon Valley Bank Can Learn from Supply Chain Planning

​If you had your head up lately, you may have noticed some additional madness off the basketball court: The failure of Silicon Valley Bank. Those of us in the supply chain world may have dismissed the bank failure as somebody else’s problem, but that sorry episode holds a big lesson for us, too: The importance of stress testing done right.

The Washington Post recently carried an opinion piece by Natasha Sarin called “Regulators missed Silicon Valley Bank’s problems for months. Here’s why.” Sarin outlined the flaws in the stress testing regime imposed on the bank by the Federal Reserve. One problem is that the stress tests are too static. The Fed’s stress factor for nominal GDP growth was a single scenario listing presumed values over the next 13 quarters (see Figure 1). Those 13 quarterly projections might be somebody’s consensus view of what a bad hair day would look like, but that’s not the only way things could play out.  As a society, we are being taught to appreciate a better way to display contingencies every time the National Weather Service shows us projected hurricane tracks (see Figure 2). Each scenario represented by a different colored line shows a possible storm path, with the concentrated lines representing the most likely.  By exposing the lower probability paths, risk planning is improved.

When stress testing the supply chain, we need realistic scenarios of possible future demands that might occur, even extreme demands.   Smart provides this in our software (with considerable improvements in our Gen2 methods).  The software generates a huge number of credible demand scenarios, enough to expose the full scope of risks (see Figure 3). Stress testing is all about generating massive numbers of planning scenarios, and Smart’s probabilistic methods are a radical departure from previous deterministic S&OP applications, being entirely scenario based.

The other flaw in the Fed’s stress tests was that they were designed months in advance but never updated for changing conditions.  Demand planners and inventory managers intuitively appreciate that key variables like item demand and supplier lead time are not only highly random even when things are stable but also subject to abrupt shifts that should require rapid rewriting of planning scenarios (see Figure 4, where the average demand jumps up dramatically between observations 19 and 20). Smart’s Gen2 products include new tech for detecting such “regime changes”  and automatically changing scenarios accordingly.

Banks are forced to undergo stress tests, however flawed they may be, to protect their depositors. Supply chain professionals now have a way to protect their supply chains by using modern software to stress test their demand plans and inventory management decisions.

1 Scenarios used the Fed to stress test banks Software

Figure 1: Scenarios used the Fed to stress test banks.


2 Scenarios used by the National Weather Service to predict hurricane tracks

Figure 2: Scenarios used by the National Weather Service to predict hurricane tracks


3 Demand scenarios of the type generated by Smart Demand Planner

Figure 3: Demand scenarios of the type generated by Smart Demand Planner


4 Example of regime change in product demand after observation #19

Figure 4: Example of regime change in product demand after observation #19



Supply Chain Math: Don’t Bring a Knife to a Gunfight

Whether you understand it in detail yourself or rely on trustworthy software, math is a fact of life for anyone in inventory management and demand forecasting who is hoping to remain competitive in the modern world.

At a conference recently, the lead presenter in an inventory management workshop proudly proclaimed that he had no need for “high-fallutin’ math”, which was explained to mean anything beyond sixth-grade math.

Math is not everyone’s first love. But if you really care about doing your job well, you can’t approach the work with a grade school mentality. Supply chain tasks like demand forecasting and inventory management are inherently mathematical. The blog associated with edX, a premier site for online college course material, has a great post on this topic, at Let me quote the first bit:

Math and the supply chain go hand and hand. As supply chains grow, increasing complexity will drive companies to look for ways to manage large-scale decision-making. They can’t go back to how supply chains were 100 years ago—or even two years ago before the pandemic. Instead, new technologies will help streamline and manage the many moving parts. The logistics skills, optimization technologies, and organizational skills used in supply chain all require mathematics.

Our customers don’t need to be experts in supply chain math, they just need to be able to wield the software that contains the math. Software combines users’ experience and subject matter expertise to produce results that make the difference between success and failure. To do its job, the software can’t stop at sixth-grade math; it needs probability, statistics, and optimization theory.

It’s up to us software vendors to package the math in such a way that what goes into the calculations is all that is relevant, even if complicated; and that what comes out is clear, decision-relevant, and defensible when you must justify your recommendations to higher management.

Sixth-grade math can’t warn you when the way you propose to manage a critical spare part will mean a 70% chance of falling short of your item availability target. It can’t tell you how best to adjust your reorder points when a supplier calls and says, “We have a delivery problem.” It can’t save your skin when there is a surprisingly large order and you have to quickly figure out the best way to set up some expedited special orders without busting the operating budget.

So, respect the folk wisdom and don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.



The Supply Chain Blame Game: Top 3 Excuses for Inventory Shortage and Excess

1. Blaming Shortages on Lead Time Variability
Suppliers will often be late, sometimes by a lot. Lead time delays and supply variability are supply chain facts of life, yet inventory carrying organizations are often caught by surprise when a supplier is late.  An effective inventory planning process embraces these facts of life and develops policies that effectively account for this uncertainty.  Sure, there will be times when lead time delays come out of nowhere.  But most often the stocking policies like reorder points, safety stocks, and Min/Max levels aren’t recalibrated often enough to catch changes in the lead time over time.  Many companies only review the reorder point after it has been breached, instead of recalibrating after each new lead time receipt.  We’ve observed situations where the Min/Max settings are only recalibrated annually or are even entirely manual.  If you have a mountain of parts using old Min/Max levels and associated lead times that were relevant a year ago, it should be no surprise that you don’t have enough inventory to hold you until the next order arrives.


2. Blaming Excess on Bad Sales/Customer Forecasts
Forecasts from your customers or your sales team are often intentionally over-estimated to ensure supply, in response to past inventory shortages where they were left out to dry. Or, the demand forecasts are inaccurate simply because the sales team doesn’t really know what their customer demand is going to be but are forced to give a number. Demand Variability is another supply chain fact of life, so planning processes need to do a better job account for it.  Why should rely on sales teams to forecast when they best serve the company by selling? Why bother playing the game of feigning acceptance of customer forecasts when both sides know it is often nothing more than a WAG?  A better way is to accept the uncertainty and agree on a degree of stockout risk that is acceptable across groups of items.  Once the stockout risk is agreed to, you can generate an accurate estimate of the safety stock needed to counter the demand variability.  The catch is getting buy-in, since you may not be able to afford super high service levels across all items.  Customers must be willing to pay a higher price per unit for you to deliver extremely high service levels.  Sales people must accept that certain items are more likely to have backorders if they prioritize inventory investment on other items.  Using a consensus safety stock process ensures you are properly buffering and setting the right expectations.  When you do this, you free all parties from having to play the prediction game they were not equipped to play in the first place.


3. Blaming Problems on Bad Data
“Garbage In/Garbage Out” is a common excuse for why now is not the right time to invest in planning software. Of course, it is true that if you feed bad data into a model, you won’t get good results, but here’s the thing:  someone, somewhere in the organization is planning inventory, building a forecast, and making decisions on what to purchase. Are they doing this blindly, or are they using data they have curated in a spreadsheet to help them make inventory planning decisions? Hopefully, the latter.  Combine that internal knowledge with software, automating data import from the ERP, and data cleansing.  Once harmonized, your planning software will provide continually updated, well-structured demand and lead time signals that now make effective demand forecasting and inventory optimization possible.  Smart Software cofounder Tom Willemain wrote in an IBF newsletter that “many data problems derive from data having been neglected until a forecasting project made them important.” So, start that forecasting project, because step one is making sure that “what goes in” is a pristine, documented, and accurate demand signal.



Call an Audible to Proactively Counter Supply Chain Noise


You know the situation: You work out the best way to manage each inventory item by computing the proper reorder points and replenishment targets, then average demand increases or decreases, or demand volatility changes, or suppliers’ lead times change, or your own costs change. Now your old policies (reorder points, safety stocks, Min/Max levels, etc.)  have been obsoleted – just when you think you’d got them right.   Leveraging advanced planning and inventory optimization software gives you the ability to proactively address ever-changing outside influences on your inventory and demand.  To do so, you’ll need to regularly recalibrate stocking parameters based on ever-changing demand and lead times.

Recently, some potential customers have expressed concern that by regularly modifying inventory control parameters they are introducing “noise” and adding complication to their operations. A visitor to our booth at last week’s Microsoft Dynamics User Group Conference commented:

“We don’t want to jerk around the operations by changing the policies too often and introducing noise into the system. That noise makes the system nervous and causes confusion among the buying team.”

This view is grounded in yesterday’s paradigms.  While you should generally not change an immediate production run, ignoring near-term changes to the policies that drive future production planning and order replenishment will wreak havoc on your operations.   Like it or not, the noise is already there in the form of extreme demand and supply chain variability.  Fixing replenishment parameters, updating them infrequently, or only reviewing at the time of order means that your Supply Chain Operations will only be able to react to problems rather than proactively identify them and take corrective action.

Modifying the policies with near-term recalibrations is adapting to a fluid situation rather than being captive to it.  We can look to this past weekend’s NFL games for a simple analogy. Imagine the quarterback of your favorite team consistently refusing to call an audible (change the play just before the ball is snapped) after seeing the defensive formation.  This would result in lots of missed opportunities, inefficiency, and stalled drives that could cost the team a victory.  What would you want your quarterback to do?

Demand, lead times, costs, and business priorities often change, and as these last 18 months have proved they often change considerably.  As a Supply Chain leader, you have a choice:  keep parameters fixed resulting in lots of knee-jerk expedites and order cancellations, or proactively modify inventory control parameters.  Calling the audible by recalibrating your policies as demand and supply signals change is the right move.

Here is an example. Suppose you are managing a critical item by controlling its reorder point (ROP) at 25 units and its order quantity (OQ) at 48. You may feel like a rock of stability by holding on to those two numbers, but by doing so you may be letting other numbers fluctuate dramatically.  Specifically, your future service levels, fill rates, and operating costs could all be resetting out of sight while you fixate on holding onto yesterday’s ROP and OQ.  When the policy was originally determined, demand was stable and lead times were predictable, yielding service levels of 99% on an important item.   But now demand is increasing and lead times are longer.  Are you really going to expect the same outcome (99% service level) using the same sets of inputs now that demand and lead times are so different?  Of course not.  Suppose you knew that given the recent changes in demand and lead time, in order to achieve the same service level target of 99%, you had to increase the ROP to 35 units.  If you were to keep the ROP at 25 units your service level would fall to 92%.  Is it better to know this in advance or to be forced to react when you are facing stockouts?

What inventory optimization and planning software does is make visible the connections between performance metrics like service rate and control parameters like ROP and ROQ. The invisible becomes visible, allowing you to make reasoned adjustments that keep your metrics where you need them to be by adjusting the control levers available for your use.  Using probabilistic forecasting methods will enable you to generate Key Performance Predictions (KPPs) of performance and costs while identifying near-term corrective actions such as targeted stock movements that help avoid problems and take advantage of opportunities. Not doing so puts your supply chain planning in a straightjacket, much like the quarterback who refuses to audible.

Admittedly, a constantly-changing business environment requires constant vigilance and occasional reaction. But the right inventory optimization and demand forecasting software can recompute your control parameters at scale with a few mouse clicks and clue your ERP system how to keep everything on course despite the constant turbulence.  The noise is already in your system in the form of demand and supply variability.  Will you proactively audible or stick to an older plan and cross your fingers that things will work out fine?



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