7 Key Demand Planning Trends Shaping the Future

Demand planning goes beyond simply forecasting product needs; it’s about ensuring your business meets customer demands with precision, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Latest demand planning technology addresses key challenges like forecast accuracy, inventory management, and market responsiveness. In this blog, we will introduce critical demand planning trends, including data-driven insights, probabilistic forecasting, consensus planning, predictive analytics, scenario modeling, real-time visibility, and multilevel forecasting. These trends will help you stay ahead of the curve, optimize your supply chain, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction, positioning your business for long-term success.

Data-Driven Insights

Advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming integral to demand planning. Technologies like Smart UP&O allow businesses to analyze complex data sets, identify patterns, and make more accurate predictions. This shift towards data-driven insights helps businesses respond quickly to market changes, minimizing stockouts and reducing excess inventory.

Probabilistic Forecasting

Probabilistic forecasting focuses on predicting a range of possible outcomes rather than a single figure. This trend is particularly important for managing uncertainty and risk in demand planning. It helps businesses prepare for various demand scenarios, enhancing inventory management and reducing the likelihood of stockouts or overstocking​.

Consensus Forecasting

Modern manufacturing is moving towards an integrated approach where departments and stakeholders collaborate more closely. Collaborative forecasting involves sharing insights across the supply chain, from suppliers to distributors and internal teams. This approach breaks down silos and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal, leading to a more synchronized and efficient supply chain​.

Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics

Predictive analytics forecasts future outcomes based on historical data and trends, helping businesses anticipate demand fluctuations. For example, Smart Demand Planner (SDP) automates forecasting to adjust inventory and production levels accordingly​.

Prescriptive analytics goes further by offering actionable recommendations. Smart Inventory Planning and Optimization (IP&O), for instance, prescribes optimal inventory policies based on service levels, costs, and risks​. ogether, these tools enable proactive decision-making, allowing companies to both predict and optimize their responses to future challenges.

Scenario Modeling

Scenario modeling is becoming a key part of demand planning, enabling businesses to simulate different scenarios and assess their impact on operations. This method helps companies create adaptable strategies to effectively handle uncertainties. Smart IP&O enhances this capability by offering What If Scenarios that allow users to test different inventory policies before implementation. By adjusting variables like service levels or order quantities, businesses can visualize the effects on costs and service levels, empowering them to select the optimal strategy for minimizing risks and controlling costs​​.

Real-Time Visibility

As supply chains become more global and interconnected, real-time visibility into inventory and supply chain activities is crucial. Enhanced collaboration with suppliers and distributors, combined with real-time data, enables businesses to make quicker, more informed decisions. This helps optimize inventory levels, reduce lead times, and improve overall supply chain resilience​.

Multilevel Forecasting

This involves forecasting at different levels of the product hierarchy, such as individual items, product families, or even entire product lines. Multilevel forecasting is vital for businesses with complex product portfolios, as it ensures that forecasts are accurate at both the micro and macro levels​.


Demand planning is a decisive aspect of modern supply chain management, offering businesses the ability to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and better meet customer demands. Leveraging advanced platforms like Smart IP&O significantly improves forecasting accuracy and inventory management, enabling swift responses to market fluctuations. Automated statistical forecasting, combined with capabilities like hierarchy forecasting and forecast overrides, ensures that forecasts are accurate and adaptable, leading to more realistic planning decisions. Additionally, with tools like scenario modeling, businesses can explore various demand scenarios across their product hierarchy, facilitating informed decision-making by providing insights into potential outcomes and risks. This approach allows businesses to anticipate the impact of policy changes, make better decisions, and ultimately optimize their inventory and overall supply chain management, staying ahead of key trends in the process.




Mastering Automatic Forecasting for Time Series Data

In this blog, we will analyze the automatic forecasting for time series demand projections, focusing on key techniques, challenges, and best practices. There are multiple methods to predict future demand for an item, and this becomes complex when dealing with thousands of items, each requiring a different forecasting technique due to their unique demand patterns. Some items have stable demand, others trend upwards or downwards, and some exhibit seasonality. Selecting the right method for each item can be overwhelming. Here, we’ll explore how automatic forecasting simplifies this process.

Automatic forecasting becomes fundamental in managing large-scale demand projections. With thousands of items, manually selecting a forecasting method for each is impractical. Automatic forecasting uses software to make these decisions, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in the forecasting process. It’s importance lies in its ability to handle complex, large-scale forecasting needs efficiently. It eliminates the need for manual selection, saving time and reducing errors. This approach is particularly beneficial in environments with diverse demand patterns, where each item may require a different forecasting method.


Key Considerations for Effective Forecasting

  1. Challenges of Manual Forecasting:
    • Infeasibility: Manually choosing forecasting methods for thousands of items is unmanageable.
    • Inconsistency: Human error can lead to inconsistent and inaccurate forecasts.
  2. Criteria for Method Selection:
    • Error Measurement: The primary criterion for selecting a forecasting method is the typical forecast error, defined as the difference between predicted and actual values. This error is averaged over the forecast horizon (e.g., monthly forecasts over a year).
    • Holdout Analysis: This technique simulates the process of waiting for a year to elapse by hiding some historical data, making forecasts, and then revealing the hidden data to compute errors. This helps in choosing the best method in real-time.
  3. Forecasting Tournament:
    • Method Comparison: Different methods compete to forecast each item, with the method producing the lowest average error winning.
    • Parameter Tuning: Each method is tested with various parameters to find the optimal settings. For example, simple exponential smoothing may be tried with different weighting factors.


The Algorithms Behind Effective Automatic Forecasting

Automatic forecasting is highly computational but feasible with modern technology. The process involves:

  • Data Segmentation: Dividing historical data into segments helps manage and leverage different aspects of historical data for more accurate forecasting. For instance, for a product with seasonal demand, data might be segmented by seasons to capture season-specific trends and patterns. This segmentation allows forecasters to make and test forecasts more effectively.
  • Repeated Simulations: Using sliding simulations involves repeatedly testing and refining forecasts over different periods. This method validates the accuracy of forecasting methods by applying them to different segments of data. An example is the sliding window method, where a fixed-size window moves across the time series data, generating forecasts for each position to evaluate performance.
  • Parameter Optimization: Parameter optimization involves trying multiple variants of each forecasting method to find the best-performing one. By adjusting parameters, such as the smoothing factor in exponential smoothing methods or the number of past observations in ARIMA models, forecasters can fine-tune models to improve performance.

For instance, in our software, we allow various forecasting methods to compete for the best performance on a given item.  Knowledge of Automatic forecasting immediately carries over to Simple Moving Average, linear moving average, Single Exponential Smoothing, Double Exponential Smoothing, Winters’ Exponential Smoothing, and Promo forecasting. This competition ensures that the most suitable method is selected based on empirical evidence, not subjective judgment. The tournament winner is the closest method to predicting new data values from old. Accuracy is measured by average absolute error (that is, the average error, ignoring any minus signs). The average is computed over a set of forecasts, each using a portion of the data, in a process known as sliding simulation, which we have explained previously in a previous blog.


Methods used in Automatic forecasting

Normally, there are six extrapolative forecasting methods competing in the Automatic forecasting tournament:

  • Simple moving average
  • Linear moving average
  • Single exponential smoothing
  • Double exponential smoothing
  • Additive version of Winters’ exponential smoothing
  • Multiplicative version of Winters’ exponential smoothing

The latter two methods are appropriate for seasonal series; however, they are automatically excluded from the tournament if there are fewer than two full seasonal cycles of data (for example, fewer than 24 periods of monthly data or eight periods of quarterly data). These six classical, smoothing-based methods have proven themselves to be easy to understand, easy to compute and accurate. You can exclude any of these methods from the tournament if you have a preference for some of the competitors and not others.

Automatic forecasting for time series data is essential for managing large-scale demand projections efficiently and accurately. Businesses can achieve better forecast accuracy and streamline their planning processes by automating the selection of forecasting methods and utilizing techniques like holdout analysis and forecasting tournaments. Embracing these advanced forecasting techniques ensures that businesses stay ahead in dynamic market environments, making informed decisions based on reliable data projections.




Weathering a Demand Forecast

For some of our customers, weather has a significant influence on demand. Extreme short-term weather events like fires, droughts, hot spells, and so forth can have a significant near-term influence on demand.

There are two ways to factor weather into a demand forecast: indirectly and directly. The indirect route is easier using the scenario-based approach of Smart Demand Planner. The direct approach requires a tailored special project requiring additional data and hand-crafted modeling.

Indirect Accounting for Weather

The standard model built into Smart Demand Planner (SDP) accommodates weather effects in four ways:

  1. If the world is steadily getting warmer/colder/drier/wetter in ways that impact your sales, SDP detects these trends automatically and incorporates them into the demand scenarios it generates.
  2. If your business has a regular rhythm in which certain days of the week or certain months of the year have consistently higher or lower-than-average demand, SDP also automatically detects this seasonality and incorporates it into its demand scenarios.
  3. Often it is the cussed randomness of weather that interferes with forecast accuracy. We often refer to this effect as “noise”. Noise is a catch-all term that incorporates all kinds of random trouble. Besides weather, a geopolitical flareup, the surprise failure of a regional bank, or a ship getting stuck in the Suez Canal can and have added surprises to product demand. SDP assesses the volatility of demand and reproduces it in its demand scenarios.
  4. Management overrides. Most of the time, customers let SDP churn away to automatically generate tens of thousands of demand scenarios. But if users feel the need to touch up specific forecasts using their insider knowledge, SDP can make that happen through management overrides.

Direct Accounting for Weather

Sometimes a user will be able to articulate subject matter expertise linking factors outside their company (such as interest rates or raw materials costs or technology trends) to their own aggregate sales. In these situations, Smart Software can arrange for one-off special projects that provide alternative (“causal”) models to supplement our standard statistical forecasting models. Contact your Smart Software representative to discuss a possible causal modeling project.

Meanwhile, don’t forget your umbrella.




Big Ass Fans Turns to Smart Software as Demand Heats Up

Big Ass Fans is the best-selling big fan manufacturer in the world, delivering comfort to spaces where comfort seems impossible.  BAF had a problem:  how to reliably plan production to meet demand.  BAF was experiencing a gap between bookings forecasts vs. shipments, and this was impacting revenue and customer satisfaction.  BAF turned to Smart Software for help.

BAF’s Supply Chain Manager took the lead to flesh out their planning needs and methodically address them.  In his words, “it came down to fundamentals. Our planning process needed to be data driven, collaborative, and continually improved by assessing and enhancing our monthly forecasting process.”

A big part of this was bringing the disparate planning processes together.  Product managers produce monthly demand forecasts, while the operations team forecasts shipments and associated material requirements.  BAF needed a tighter, data-driven process that combines advanced analytics with team collaboration.  This would need to address seasonality, a huge factor driving demand fluctuations, incorporate input from international as well as US markets, and capture the impact of market promotions.

BAF’s Customer Service Director and S&OP Team Lead explained what this means.  “Now we have one unified, global process, one shared business view that provides the framework for all of our cross-business planning.”  She likens it to having one source for the truth.  “Every month the entire team sees updated orders and shipments and can compare forecast against actual performance.  Individual managers view business through their required  business lens – by product line or service, region, international geography, channel, customer, you name it.”

“This is enabling technology that makes us better,” she continued.  “Smart IP&O is, among other things, the vehicle for our monthly SIOP process.  We review our own business segments then convene as a group, consider results to date, the impact of promotions, events and seasonality, and agree on our consensus plan going forward.  This is an invaluable process, enabling manufacturing to stay ahead of demand and deliver what our customers need, when they need it.”

BAF Case Study SIOP planning Inventory Warehouse

“Smart Inventory Planning & Optimization is the critical tool we use to manage our forecasts across a large and dynamic set of Products/Parts, multi-national sites, and complex supply chains,” added the Supply Chain Manager.  “The ability of the software to provide a statistical forecast as baseline, allow adjustments by various subject matter experts, each recorded as ‘snapshots’ for consensus building and later use in accuracy/improvement efforts, then ultimately feed the forecast data directly into our Material Requirements Planning software is central to our S&OP process.”

BAF has refined its monthly Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning process utilizing Smart Demand Planner, Smart’s collaborative forecasting and demand planning application. Smart’s API based bi-directional integration with BAF’s Epicor Kinetic ERP automatically captures all order and shipment data that in turn drives the creation of monthly statistical forecasts.  Through its monthly SIOP process, BAF product managers produce initial forecasts, share these with sales managers who can suggest adjustments, and bring together consensus plans across 25 product lines for monthly review, adjustment, and presentation to the executive team as the company’s rolling 12-month plan.

The team credits Smart Demand Planner with providing a thorough and accurate forecast of future demand that is central to BAF’s monthly SIOP process.  BAF extended Smart’s utilization to its international offices, where subject matter experts manage their own forecasts.  “Within Smart they can manage both demand forecasts that key on their shipments to local end users and supply forecasts based on their purchase history as key customers to BAF-US.  This significantly enhances our global demand view and has improved forecast accuracy.”

About Smart Software:

Founded in 1981, Smart Software, Inc. is a leader in providing businesses with enterprise-wide demand forecasting, planning, and inventory optimization solutions.  Smart Software’s demand forecasting and inventory optimization solutions have helped thousands of users worldwide, including customers such as Disney, Arizona Public Service, and Ameren. Smart’s Inventory Planning & Optimization Platform, Smart IP&O, provides demand planners the tools to handle sales seasonality, promotions, new and aging products, multi-dimensional hierarchies, and intermittently demanded service parts and capital goods items. It also provides inventory managers with accurate estimates of the optimal inventory and safety stock required to meet future orders and achieve desired service levels.  Smart Software is headquartered in Belmont, Massachusetts.  Learn more at www.smartcorp.com.

BAF Case Study SIOP planning manufacturing

About Big Ass Fans

At Big Ass Fans, we are driven by our mission to create safer, healthier, more productive environments worldwide. What started as a big idea in airflow became a revolution and is now best practice for designers, managers, and business owners across every imaginable industry and application. Today, our products are proudly spinning and serving more than 80 percent of the Fortune 500 in 175 countries. From factories to homes and everywhere in between, Big Ass Fans delivers comfort, style, and energy savings to make life more enjoyable. With more than 235 awards, 350 patents, an experiment on the International Space Station and the only HVLS Research & Design lab in the world, we go big every day.

The Forecasting Process for Decision-Makers

In almost every business and industry, decision-makers need reliable forecasts of critical variables, such as sales, revenues, product demand, inventory levels, market share, expenses, and industry trends.

Many kinds of people make these forecasts. Some are sophisticated technical analysts, such as business economists and statisticians. Many others regard forecasting as an important part of their overall work: general managers, production planners, inventory control specialists, financial analysts, strategic planners, market researchers, and product and sales managers. Still, others seldom think of themselves as forecasters but often have to make forecasts on an intuitive, judgmental basis.

Because of the way we designed Smart Demand Planner, it has something to offer all types of forecasters. This design grows out of several observations about the forecasting process. Because we designed Smart Demand Planner with these observations in mind, we believe it has a style and content uniquely suited for turning your browser into an effective forecasting and planning tool:

Forecasting is an art that requires a mix of professional judgment and objective, statistical analysis.

It is often effective to begin with an objective statistical forecast that automatically accounts for trends, seasonality, and other patterns.  Then, apply adjustments or forecast overrides based on your business judgment. Smart Demand Planner makes it easy to execute graphical and tabular adjustments to statistical forecasts.

The forecasting process is usually iterative.

You will likely decide to make several refinements of your initial forecast before you are satisfied. You may want to exclude older historical data that you find to no longer be relevant.  You could apply different weights to the forecast model that put varying emphases on the most recent data. You could apply trend dampening to increase or decrease aggressively trending statistical forecasts.  You could allow the Machine Learning models to fine-tune the forecast selection for you and select the winning model automatically.  Smart Demand Planner’s processing speed gives you plenty of time to make several passes and saves multiple versions of the forecasts as “snapshots” so you can compare forecast accuracy later.

Forecasting requires graphical support.

The patterns evident in data can be seen by a discerning eye. The credibility of your forecasts will often depend heavily on graphical comparisons other business stakeholders make when they assess the historical data and forecasts. Smart Demand Planner provides graphical displays of forecasts, history, and forecast vs. actuals reporting.

Forecasts are never exactly correct.

Because some error always creeps into even the best forecasting process, one of the most useful supplements to a forecast is an honest estimate of its margin of error.

Smart Demand Planner presents both graphical and tabular summaries of forecast accuracy based on the acid test of predicting data held back from development of the forecasting model. 

Forecast intervals or confidence intervals are also very useful.  They detail the likely range of possible demand that is expected to occur.  For example, if actual demand falls outside of the 90% confidence interval more than 10% of the time then there is reason to investigate further.  

Forecasting requires a match of method to data.

One of the major technical tasks in forecasting is to match the choice of forecasting technique to the nature of the data. Features of a data series like trend, seasonality or abrupt shifts in level suggest certain techniques instead of others.

Smart Demand Planner’ Automatic forecasting feature makes this match quickly, accurately and automatically.

Forecasting is often a part of a larger process of planning or control.

For example, forecasting can be a powerful complement to spreadsheet-based financial analysis, extending rows of figures off into the future. In addition, accurate sales and product demand forecasts are fundamental inputs to a manufacturer’s production planning and inventory control processes. An objective statistical forecast of future sales will always help identify when the budget (or sales plan) may be too unrealistic. Gap analysis enables the business to take corrective action to their demand and marketing plans to ensure they do not miss the budgeted plan.

Forecasts need to be integrated into ERP systems
Smart Demand Planner can quickly and easily transfer its results to other applications, such as spreadsheets, databases and planning systems including ERP applications.  Users are able to export forecasts in a variety of file formats either via download or to secure FTP file locations.  Smart Demand Planner includes API based integrations to a variety of ERP and EAM systems including Epicor Kinetic and Epicor Prophet 21, Sage X3 and Sage 300, Oracle NetSuite, and each of Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 ERP systems. API based integrations enable customers to push forecast results directly back to the ERP system on demand.

The result is more efficient sales planning, budgeting, production scheduling, ordering, and inventory planning.