5 Ways to Improve Supply Chain Decision Speed

The promise of a digital supply chain has transformed how businesses operate. At its core, it can make rapid, data-driven decisions while ensuring quality and efficiency throughout operations. However, it’s not just about having access to more data. Organizations need the right tools and platforms to turn that data into actionable insights. This is where decision-making becomes critical, especially in a landscape where new digital supply chain solutions and AI-driven platforms can support you in streamlining many processes within the decision matrix.

Why Is Rapid Decision-Making in the Digital Supply Chain So Important?

Business is accelerating; customers expect faster delivery, higher service levels, and greater transparency. The key to meeting these demands lies in digital supply chain solutions that support decision intelligence.

Yet, many organizations struggle. The gap between data, analytics, and action persists. Businesses gather vast amounts of information but fail to act on it quickly enough, or worse, they make decisions based on outdated or incomplete data. Bridging this gap is necessary for realizing the true value of a digital supply chain.

Rapid Decision-Making and Quality Implications

1. The Decision Gap
Many organizations are stuck between collecting data and acting. This “decision gap” causes delays, reducing the potential business value that could have been realized. In a supply chain setting, delayed decisions can lead to stockouts, overstocking, lost sales, and dissatisfied customers.

2. New AI Platforms Are Key
Digital and AI platforms enable businesses to make quicker, more informed decisions by digitizing the data-to-action process. Demand Forecasting and Inventory Optimization are key processes within the decision matrix, and tools like Smart IP&O help predict inventory needs and optimize those decisions based on cost, service levels, and changing demand patterns. This allows for decision-making at a speed and scale previously unachievable. Additionally, Smart IP&O supports more significant strategic decisions and smaller, more frequent operational decisions, ensuring a wide range of the supply chain is optimized.

3. Quality of Decision-Making
Rapid decisions alone aren’t enough. The quality of those decisions matters.   Effective decision-making requires accurate data, forecasting, and analysis to ensure that decisions lead to positive outcomes. Organizations can better balance important factors like cost, availability, and service levels by leveraging tools that provide insights into future trends and performance. This approach allows them to create strategies aligned with actual needs and demands, improving efficiency and overall success.

Smart IP&O uses advanced forecasting models and real-time data to ensure quick and reliable decisions. For example, organizations can use projected metrics to balance service levels, costs, and stock availability, ensuring inventory policies align with actual demand trends​​.

4. Scalability and Consistency in Decision-Making
As businesses grow, the complexity of supply chain decisions increases, and handling an increasing number of products, data points, and processes can be challenging. Digital platforms and automation tools help businesses scale their decision-making processes by managing vast amounts of data with precision and uniformity.

By automating repetitive tasks and applying consistent rules across various scenarios, businesses can ensure that decisions are made uniformly, leading to more predictable and reliable outcomes​​. This approach leads to more predictable and reliable outcomes, as automated systems ensure that decisions are consistent even as the business expands.

AI driven platforms like Smart IP&O offer scalability, allowing businesses to manage thousands of products and data points with constant accuracy. This consistency is critical in maintaining service levels and reducing costs as operations expand.

5. Digitization of Decision Processes
Digitization of decision processes involves automating various aspects of decision-making. By using digital tools, routine decisions—such as those related to inventory, demand, and production—can be automated, allowing for faster and more efficient handling of day-to-day tasks. In cases where human intervention is still required, systems can be set up to notify users when specific conditions or thresholds are met. This reduces manual effort and enables employees to focus on more strategic and complex work, ultimately enhancing productivity and efficiency.


The promise of the digital supply chain lies in its ability to transform data into action quickly and accurately. To fully capitalize on this promise, organizations need to bridge the decision gap by adopting platforms like Smart IP&O. These platforms enhance rapid decision-making and ensure that quality isn’t sacrificed in the process. As businesses evolve, those that successfully integrate these tools into their decision matrix will be better positioned to stay competitive and meet ever-growing customer expectations.


The Next Frontier in Supply Chain Analytics

We believe the leading edge of supply chain analytics to be the development of digital twins of inventory systems. These twins take the form of discrete event models that use Monte Carlo simulation to generate and optimize over the full range of operational risks. We also assert that we and our colleagues at Smart Software have played an outsized role in forging that leading edge. But we are not alone: there are a small number of other software firms around the globe who are catching up.

So, what’s next for supply chain analytics? Where is the next frontier? It might involve some sort of neural network model of a distribution system. But we’d give better odds on an extension of our leading-edge models of “single echelon” inventory systems to “multi-echelon” inventory systems.

Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the distinction between single and multiple echelon systems. Figure 1 depicts a manufacturer that relies on a Source to replenish its stock of spare parts or components. When stockouts loom, the manufacturer orders replenishment stock from the Source.

Single Multiechelon Inventory Optimization Software AI

Figure 1: A single-echelon inventory system


Single echelon models do not explicitly include details of the Source. It remains mysterious, an invisible ghost whose only relevant feature is the random time it takes to respond to a replenishment request. Importantly, the Source is implicitly assumed to never itself stock out. That assumption may be “good enough” for many purposes, but it cannot be literally true. It gets handled by stuffing supplier stockout events into the replenishment lead time distribution. Pushing back on that assumption is the rationale for multiechelon modeling.

Figure 2 depicts a simple two-echelon inventory system. It shifts domains from manufacturing to distribution. There are multiple warehouses (WH’s) dependent on a distribution center (DC) for resupply. Now the DC is an explicit part of the model. It has a finite capacity to process orders and requires its own reordering protocols. The DC gets its replenishment from higher up the chain from a Source. The Source might be the manufacturer of the inventory item or perhaps a “regional DC” or something similar, but – guess what? – it is another ghost. As in the single-echelon model, this ghost has one visible characteristic: the probability distribution of its replenishment lead time. (The punch line of a famous joke in physics is “But madame, it’s turtles all the way down.” In our case, “It’s ghosts all the way up.”)

Two Multiechelon Inventory Optimization Software AI

Figure 2: A two-echelon inventory system


The problem of process design and optimization is much harder with two levels. The difficulty is not just the addition of two more control parameters for every WH (e.g., a Min and a Max for each) plus the same two parameters for the DC. Rather, the tougher part is modeling the interaction among the WH’s. In the single-level model, each WH operates in its own little world and never hears “Sorry, we’re stocked out” from the ghostly Source. But in a two-level system, there are multiple WH’s all competing for resupply from their shared DC. This competition creates the main analytical difficulty: the WH’s cannot be modeled in isolation but must be analyzed simultaneously. For instance, if one DC services ten WH’s, there are 2+10×2 = 22 inventory control parameters whose values need to be calculated. In nerd-speak: It is not trivial to solve a 22-variable constrained discrete optimization problem having a stochastic objective function.

If we choose the wrong system design, we discover a new phenomenon inherent in multi-echelon systems, which we informally call “meltdown” or “catastrophe.” In this phenomenon, the DC cannot keep up with the replenishment demands of the WH’s, so it eventually creates stockouts at the warehouse level. Then the WH’s increasingly frantic replenishment requests exhaust the inventory at the DC, which starts its own panicked requests for replenishment from the regional DC. If the regional DC takes too long to refill the DC, then the whole system dissolves into a stockout tragedy.

One solution to the meltdown problem is to overdesign the DC so it almost never runs out, but that can be very expensive, which is why there is a regional DC in the first place. So any affordable system design has a DC that is just good enough to last a long time between meltdowns. This perspective implies a new type of key performance indicator (KPI), such as “Probability of Meltdown within X years is less than Y percent.”

The next frontier will require new methods and new metrics but will offer a new way to design and optimize distribution systems. Our skunk works is already generating prototypes. Watch this space.



Overcoming Uncertainty with Service and Inventory Optimization Technology

In this blog, we will discuss today’s fast-paced and unpredictable market and the constant challenges businesses face in managing their inventory and service levels efficiently. The main subject of this discussion, rooted in the concept of “Probabilistic Inventory Optimization,” focuses on how modern technology can be leveraged to achieve optimal service and inventory targets amidst uncertainty. This approach not only addresses traditional inventory management issues but also offers a strategic edge in navigating the complexities of demand fluctuations and supply chain disruptions.

Understanding and implementing inventory optimization technology is important for several reasons. First, it directly impacts a company’s ability to meet customer demands promptly, thereby affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty. Second, effective inventory management controls operational costs, reducing unnecessary stock holding and minimizing the risk of stockouts or overstocking. In an era where market conditions change rapidly, having a robust system to manage these aspects can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving.

At the heart of inventory management lies a paradox: the need to be prepared for fluctuating demand without succumbing to the pitfalls of overstocking, which can lead to increased holding costs, obsolescence, and wasted resources. Conversely, understocking can result in stockouts, lost sales, and diminished customer satisfaction, ultimately impacting a company’s reputation and bottom line. The unpredictable nature of market demands, compounded by potential supply chain disruptions and changing consumer behavior, adds complexity to this balancing act.

Technology plays a pivotal role here. Modern inventory optimization software integrates probabilistic models, sophisticated forecasting algorithms, and simulation capabilities. These systems help companies respond swiftly to changing market conditions. Furthermore, adopting such technology fosters a culture of data-driven decision-making, ensuring businesses are not merely reacting to uncertainties but proactively strategizing to mitigate their impacts.

Here are brief discussions of the relevant algorithmic technologies.

Probabilistic Inventory Optimization: Traditional inventory management approaches rely on deterministic models that assume a static, predictable world. These models falter in the face of variability and uncertainty. Enter probabilistic inventory optimization, a paradigm that embraces the randomness inherent in supply chain processes. This approach employs statistical models to represent the uncertainties in demand and supply, enabling businesses to account for a full range of possible outcomes.

Advanced Forecasting:  A cornerstone of effective inventory optimization is the ability to anticipate future demand accurately. Advanced forecasting techniques, such as [we don’t sell this outside of SmartForecasts or maybe not even there anymore, so don’t mention it], time series analysis, and machine learning, extract exploitable patterns from historical data.

Safety Stock Calculation: A Shield Against Uncertainty:

Forecasts that include estimates of their own uncertainty enable safety stock calculations. Safety stock acts as a buffer against the unpredictability of demand and supply lead times. Determining the optimal level of safety stock is a critical challenge that probabilistic models address adeptly. With the right safety stock levels, businesses can maintain high service levels, ensuring product availability without the burden of excessive inventory.

Scenario Planning: Preparing for Multiple Futures:

The future is inherently uncertain, and a single forecast can never capture all possible scenarios. Advanced methods that create a range of realistic demand scenarios are the essential form of probabilistic inventory optimization. These techniques allow businesses to explore the implications of multiple futures, from best-case to worst-case situations. By planning against these scenarios, companies can enhance their resilience in the face of market volatility.

Navigating the Future with Confidence

The uncertain landscape of today’s business environment necessitates a shift from traditional inventory management practices to more sophisticated, probabilistic approaches. By embracing the principles of probabilistic inventory optimization, companies can strike a durable balance between service excellence and cost efficiency. Integrating advanced forecasting techniques, strategic safety stock calculations, and scenario planning, supported by Smart Inventory Planning and Optimization (Smart IP&O), equips businesses to transform uncertainty from a challenge into an opportunity. Companies that embrace this approach report significant improvements in service levels, reductions in inventory costs, and enhanced supply chain agility.

For example, less critical Items forecasted to achieve 99%+ service levels represent opportunities to reduce inventory. By targeting lower service levels on less critical items, inventory will be “the right size” over time to the new equilibrium, decreasing holding costs and the value of inventory on hand. A major public transit system reduced inventory by over $4,000,000 while improving service levels.

Optimizing Inventory Levels also means savings realized on one subset of items can be reallocated to carry a broader portfolio of “in stock” items, allowing revenues to be captured that would otherwise be lost sales. A leading distributor was able to stock a broader portfolio of parts with savings used from inventory reductions and increased part availability by 18%.




Finding Your Spot on the Inventory Tradeoff Curve

This video blog holds essential insights for those working with the complexities of inventory management. The session focuses on striking the right balance within the inventory tradeoff curve, inviting viewers to understand the deep-seated importance of this equilibrium. If you’ve ever had to manage stock, you’ll know it feels like a bit of a tug-of-war. On one side, you’re pulling towards less inventory, which is great for saving money but can leave your customers high and dry. On the other, you’re considering more inventory, which keeps your customers happy but can be a pain for your budget. To make a smart choice in this ongoing tug-of-war, you need to understand where your current inventory decisions place you on this tradeoff curve. Are you at a point where you can handle the pressure, or do you need to shuffle along to a more comfortable spot?

If you can’t answer this question, it means that you still rely on outdated methods, risking the potential for surplus inventory or unmet customer needs. Watch the video so you can see exactly where you are on this curve and understand better about whether you want to stay put or move to a more optimal position.


And if you decide to move, we’ve got the tools to guide you. Smart IP&O’s advanced “what-if” analysis enables businesses to precisely evaluate the impact of different inventory strategies, such as adjustments to safety stock levels or changes in reorder points, on their balance between holding costs and service levels. By simulating demand scenarios and inventory policies, Smart IP&O provides a clear visualization of potential financial outcomes and service level implications, allowing for data-driven strategic decisions. This powerful tool ensures businesses can achieve an optimal balance, minimizing excess inventory and related costs while maintaining high service levels to meet customer demand efficiently.  



The Three Types of Supply Chain Analytics

​In this video blog, we explore the critical roles of Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive Analytics in inventory management, highlighting their essential contributions to driving supply chain optimization through strategic foresight and insightful data analysis.


​These analytics foster a dynamic, responsive, and efficient inventory management ecosystem by enabling inventory managers to monitor current operations, anticipate future developments, and formulate optimal responses. We’ll walk you through how Descriptive Analytics keeps you informed about current operations, Predictive Analytics helps you anticipate future demands, and Prescriptive Analytics guides your strategic decisions for maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

By the end of the video, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to leverage these analytics to enhance your inventory management strategies. These are not just tools but a new way of thinking about and approaching inventory optimization with the support of modern software.