Bottom Line Strategies for Spare Parts Planning

Managing spare parts presents numerous challenges, such as unexpected breakdowns, changing schedules, and inconsistent demand patterns. Traditional forecasting methods and manual approaches are ineffective in dealing with these complexities. To overcome these challenges, this blog outlines key strategies that prioritize service levels, utilize probabilistic methods to calculate reorder points, regularly adjust stocking policies, and implement a dedicated planning process to avoid excessive inventory. Explore these strategies to optimize spare parts inventory and improve operational efficiency.

Bottom Line Upfront

​1.Inventory Management is Risk Management.

2.Can’t manage risk well or at scale with subjective planning – Need to know service vs. cost.

3.It’s not supply & demand variability that are the problem – it’s how you handle it.

4.Spare parts have intermittent demand so traditional methods don’t work.

5.Rule of thumb approaches don’t account for demand variability and misallocate stock.

6.Use Service Level Driven Planning  (service vs. cost tradeoffs) to drive stock decisions.

7.Probabilistic approaches such as bootstrapping yield accurate estimates of reorder points.

8.Classify parts and assign service level targets by class.

9.Recalibrate often – thousands of parts have old, stale reorder points.

10.Repairable parts require special treatment.


Do Focus on the Real Root Causes

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Causes

Intermittent Demand

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Intermittent Demand


  • Slow moving, irregular or sporadic with a large percentage of zero values.
  • Non-zero values are mixed in randomly – spikes are large and varied.
  • Isn’t bell shaped (demand is not Normally distributed around the average.)
  • At least 70% of a typical Utility’s parts are intermittently demanded.

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning 4


Normal Demand

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Intermittent Demand

  • Very few periods of zero demand (exception is seasonal parts.)
  • Often exhibits trend, seasonal, or cyclical patterns.
  • Lower levels of demand variability.
  • Is bell-shaped (demand is Normally distributed around the average.)

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning 5

Don’t rely on averages

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Averages

  • OK for determining typical usage over longer periods of time.
  • Often forecasts more “accurately” than some advanced methods.
  • But…insufficient for determining what to stock.


Don’t Buffer with Multiples of Averages

Example:  Two equally important parts so let’s treat them the same.
We’ll order more  when On Hand Inventory ≤ 2 x Avg Lead Time Demand.

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Multiple Averages


Do use Service Level tradeoff curves to compute safety stock

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Service Level

Standard Normal Probabilities

OK for normal demand. Doesn’t work with intermittent demand!

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Standard Probabilities


Don’t use Normal (Bell Shaped) Distributions

  • You’ll get the tradeoff curve wrong:

– e.g., You’ll target 95% but achieve 85%.

– e.g., You’ll target 99% but achieve 91%.

  • This is a huge miss with costly implications:

– You’ll stock out more often than expected.

– You’ll start to add subjective buffers to compensate and then overstock.

– Lack of trust/second-guessing of outputs paralyzes planning.


Why Traditional Methods Fail on Intermittent Demand: 

Traditional Methods are not designed to address core issues in spare parts management.

Need: Probability distribution (not bell-shaped) of demand over variable lead time.

  • Get: Prediction of average demand in each month, not a total over lead time.
  • Get: Bolted-on model of variability, usually the Normal model, usually wrong.

Need: Exposure of tradeoffs between item availability and cost of inventory.

  • Get: None of this; instead, get a lot of inconsistent, ad-hoc decisions.


Do use Statistical Bootstrapping to Predict the Distribution:

Then exploit the distribution to optimize stocking policies.

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Predict Distribution


How does Bootstrapping Work?

24 Months of Historical Demand Data.

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Bootstrapping 1

Bootstrap Scenarios for a 3-month Lead Time.

Bottom Line strategies for Spare Parts Planning Bootstrapping 2

Bootstrapping Hits the Service Level Target with nearly 100% Accuracy!

  • National Warehousing Operation.

Task: Forecast inventory stocking levels for 12,000 intermittently demanded SKUs at 95% & 99% service levels


At 95% service level, 95.23% did not stock out.

At 99% service level, 98.66% did not stock out.

This means you can rely on output to set expectations and confidently make targeted stock adjustments that lower inventory and increase service.


Set Target Service Levels According to Order Frequency & Size

Set Target Service Levels According to Order Frequency


Recalibrate Reorder Points Frequently

  • Static ROPs cause excess and shortages.
  • As lead time increases, so should the ROP and vice versa.
  • As usage decreases, so should the ROP and vice versa.
  • Longer you wait to recalibrate, the greater the imbalance.
  • Mountains of parts ordered too soon or too late.
  • Wastes buyers’ time placing the wrong orders.
  • Breeds distrust in systems and forces data silos.

Recalibrate Reorder Points Frequently

Do Plan Rotables (Repair Parts) Differently

Do Plan Rotables (Repair Parts) Differently



1.Inventory Management is Risk Management.

2.Can’t manage risk well or at scale with subjective planning – Need to know service vs. cost.

3.It’s not supply & demand variability that are the problem – it’s how you handle it.

4.Spare parts have intermittent demand so traditional methods don’t work.

5.Rule of thumb approaches don’t account demand variability and misallocate stock.

6.Use Service Level Driven Planning  (service vs. cost tradeoffs) to drive stock decisions.

7.Probabilistic approaches such as bootstrapping yield accurate estimates of reorder points.

8.Classify parts and assign service level targets by class.

9.Recalibrate often – thousands of parts have old, stale reorder points.

10.Repairable parts require special treatment.


Spare Parts Planning Software solutions

Smart IP&O’s service parts forecasting software uses a unique empirical probabilistic forecasting approach that is engineered for intermittent demand. For consumable spare parts, our patented and APICS award winning method rapidly generates tens of thousands of demand scenarios without relying on the assumptions about the nature of demand distributions implicit in traditional forecasting methods. The result is highly accurate estimates of safety stock, reorder points, and service levels, which leads to higher service levels and lower inventory costs. For repairable spare parts, Smart’s Repair and Return Module accurately simulates the processes of part breakdown and repair. It predicts downtime, service levels, and inventory costs associated with the current rotating spare parts pool. Planners will know how many spares to stock to achieve short- and long-term service level requirements and, in operational settings, whether to wait for repairs to be completed and returned to service or to purchase additional service spares from suppliers, avoiding unnecessary buying and equipment downtime.

Contact us to learn more how this functionality has helped our customers in the MRO, Field Service, Utility, Mining, and Public Transportation sectors to optimize their inventory. You can also download the Whitepaper here.



White Paper: What you Need to know about Forecasting and Planning Service Parts


This paper describes Smart Software’s patented methodology for forecasting demand, safety stocks, and reorder points on items such as service parts and components with intermittent demand, and provides several examples of customer success.


    6 Observations About Successful Demand Forecasting Processes

    1. Forecasting is an art that requires a mix of professional judgment and objective statistical analysis. Successful demand forecasts require a baseline prediction leveraging statistical forecasting methods. Once established, the process can focus on how best to adjust statistical forecasts based on your own insights and business knowledge.

    2. The forecasting process is usually iterative. You may need to make several refinements of your initial forecast before you are satisfied. It is important to be able to generate and compare alternative forecasts quickly and easily. Tracking accuracy of these forecasts over time, including alternatives that were not used, helps inform and improve the process.

    3. The credibility of forecasts depends heavily on graphical comparisons with historical data.  A picture is worth a thousand words, so always display forecasts via instantly available graphical displays with supporting numerical reports.

    4. One of the major technical tasks in forecasting is to match the choice of forecasting technique to the nature of the data. Effective demand forecasting processes employ capabilities that identify the right method to use.  Features of a data series like trend, seasonality or abrupt shifts in level suggest certain techniques instead of others. An automatic selection, which selects and uses the appropriate forecasting method automatically, saves time and ensures your baseline forecast is as accurate as possible.

    5. Successful demand forecasting processes work in tandem with other business processes.   For example, forecasting can be an essential first step in financial analysis.  In addition, accurate sales and product demand forecasts are fundamental inputs to a manufacturing company’s production planning and inventory control processes.

    6. A good planning process recognizes that forecasts are never exactly correct. Because some error creeps into even the best forecasting process, one of the most useful supplements to a forecast are honest estimates of its margin of error and forecast bias.





    Don’t Blame Excess Stock on “Bad” Sales / Customer Forecasts

    Sales forecasts are often inaccurate simply because the sales team is forced to give a number even though they don’t really know what their customer demand is going to be. Let the sales teams sell.  Don’t bother playing the game of feigning acceptance of these forecasts when both sides (sales and supply chain) know it is often nothing more than a WAG.   Do this instead:

    • Accept demand variability as a fact of life. Develop a planning process that does a better job account for demand variability.
    • Agree on a level of stockout risk that is acceptable across groups of items.
    • Once the stockout risk is agreed to, use software to generate an accurate estimate of the safety stock needed to counter the demand variability.
    • Get buy-in. Customers must be willing to pay a higher price per unit for you to deliver extremely high service levels.  Salespeople must accept that certain items are more likely to have backorders if they prioritize inventory investment on other items.
    • Using a consensus #safetystock process ensures you are properly buffering and setting the right expectations with sales, customers, finance, and supply chain.


    When you do this, you free all parties from having to play the prediction game they were not equipped to play in the first place. You’ll get better results, such as higher service levels with lower inventory costs. And with much less finger-pointing.





    A Practical Guide to Growing a Professional Forecasting Process

    Many companies looking to improve their forecasting process don’t know where to start. It can be confusing to contend with learning new statistical methods, making sure data is properly structured and updated, agreeing on who “owns” the forecast, defining what ownership means, and measuring accuracy. Having seen this over forty-plus years of practice, we wrote this blog to outline the core focus and to encourage you to keep it simple early on.

    1. Objectivity. First, understand and communicate that the Demand Planning and Forecasting process is an exercise in objectivity. The focus is on getting inputs from various sources (stakeholders, customers, functional managers, databases, suppliers, etc.) and deciding whether those inputs add value. For example, if you override a statistical forecast and add 20% to the projection, you should not just assume that you automatically got it right. Instead, be objective and check whether that override increased or decreased forecast accuracy. If you find that your overrides made things worse, you’ve gained something: This informs the process and you know to better scrutinize override decisions in the future.

    2.  Teamwork. Recognize that forecasting and demand planning are team sports. Agree on who will captain the team. The captain is responsible for creating the baseline statistical forecasts and supervising the demand planning process. But results depend on everyone on the team making positive contributions, providing data, suggesting alternative methodologies, questioning assumptions, and executing recommended actions. The final results are owned by the company and every single stakeholder.

    3. Measurement. Don’t fixate on industry forecast accuracy benchmarks. Every SKU has its own level of “forecastability”, and you may be managing any number of difficult items. Instead, create your own benchmarks based on a sequence of increasingly advanced forecasting methods. Advanced statistical forecasts may seem dauntingly complex at first, so start simple with a basic method, such as forecasting the historical average demand. Then measure how close that simple forecast comes to the actual observed demand. Work up from there to techniques that deal with complications like trend and seasonality. Measure progress using accuracy metrics calculated by your software, such as the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). This will allow your company to get a little bit better each forecast cycle.

    4. Tempo. Then focus efforts on making forecasting a standalone process that isn’t combined with the complex process of inventory optimization. Inventory management is built on a foundation of sound demand forecasting, but it is focused on other topics: what to purchase, when to purchase, minimum order quantities, safety stocks, inventory levels, supplier lead times, etc. Let inventory management go to later. First build up “forecasting muscle” by creating, reviewing, and evolving the forecasting process to have a regular cadence. When your process is sufficiently matured, catch up with the increasing speed of business by increasing the tempo of your forecasting process to at least a monthly cadence.


    Revising a company’s forecasting process can be a major step. Sometimes it happens when there is executive turnover, sometimes when there is a new ERP system, sometimes when there is new forecasting software. Whatever the precipitating event, this change is an opportunity to rethink and refine whatever process you had before. But trying to eat the whole elephant in one go is a mistake. In this blog, we’ve outlined some discrete steps you can take to make for a successful evolution to a better forecasting process.





    Prepare your spare parts planning for unexpected shocks

    Did you know that it was Benjamin Franklin who invented the lightning rod to protect buildings from lightning strikes? Now, it’s not every day that we must worry about lightning strikes, but in today’s unpredictable business climate, we do have to worry about supply chain disruptions, long lead times, rising interest rates, and volatile demand. With all these challenges, it’s never been more vital for organizations to accurately forecast parts usage, stocking levels, and to optimize replenishment policies such as reorder points, safety stocks, and order quantities.  In this blog, we’ll explore how companies can leverage innovative solutions like inventory optimization and parts forecasting software that utilize machine learning algorithms, probabilistic forecasting, and analytics to stay ahead of the curve and protect their supply chains from unexpected shocks.

    Spare Parts Planning Solutions
    Spare parts optimization is a key aspect of supply chain management for many industries. It involves managing the inventory of spare parts to ensure they are available when needed without having excess inventory that can tie up capital and space. Optimizing spare parts inventory is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of usage patterns, supplier lead times, and the criticality of each part for the business.

    In this blog, our primary emphasis will be on the crucial aspect of inventory optimization and demand forecasting. However, other approaches highlighted below for spare parts optimization, such as predictive maintenance and 3D printing, Master Data Management, and collaborative planning should be investigated and deployed as appropriate.

    1. Predictive Maintenance: Using predictive analytics to anticipate when a part is likely to fail and proactively replace it, rather than waiting for it to break down. This approach can help companies reduce downtime and maintenance costs, as well as improve overall equipment effectiveness.
    2. 3D printing: Advancements in 3D printing technology are enabling companies to produce spare parts on demand, reducing the need for excess inventory. This not only saves space and reduces costs but also ensures that parts are available when needed.
    3. Master Data Management: Data Management platforms ensure that part data is properly identified, cataloged, cleansed, and organized. All too often, MRO organizations hold the same part number under different SKUs. These duplicate parts serve the same purpose but require different SKU numbers to ensure regulatory compliance or security.  For example, a part used to support a government contract may be required be sourced from a US manufacturer to stay in compliance with “Buy America” regulations.  It’s critical that these part numbers be identified and consolidated into one SKU, when possible, to keep inventory investments in check.
    4. Collaborative Planning: Collaborating with suppliers and customers to share data, forecasts, and plan demand can help companies reduce lead times, improve accuracy, and reduce inventory levels. Forecasting plays an essential role in collaboration as sharing insights on purchases, demand, and buying behavior ensures suppliers have the information they need to ensure stock availability for customers.

    Inventory Optimization
    Abraham Lincoln was once quoted as saying, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”? Lincoln knew that preparation and optimization were key to success, just like organizations need to have the right tools, such as inventory optimization software, to optimize their supply chain and stay ahead in the market. With inventory optimization software, organizations can improve their forecasting accuracy, lower inventory costs, improve service levels, and reduce lead times. Lincoln knew that sharpening the axe was necessary to accomplish the job effectively without overexerting.  Inventory Optimization ensures that inventory dollars are allocated effectively across thousands of parts helping ensure service levels while minimizing excess stock.

    Spare parts play a decisive role in maintaining operational efficiency, and the lack of critical parts can lead to downtime and reduced productivity. The sporadic nature of spare parts demand makes it difficult to predict when a specific part will be required, resulting in the risk of overstocking or understocking, both of which can incur costs for the organization.  Additionally, managing lead times for spare parts poses its own set of challenges. Some parts may have lengthy delivery times, necessitating the maintenance of adequate inventory levels to avoid shortages. However, carrying excess inventory can be costly, tying up capital and storage space.

    Given the myriad of challenges facing materials management departments and spare parts planners, planning demand, stocking levels, and replenishment of spare parts without an effective inventory optimization solution is akin to attempting to chop down a tree with a very blunt axe! The sharper the axe, the better your organization will be able to contend with these challenges.

    Smart Software’s Axe is the Sharpest
    Smart Inventory Optimization and Demand Planning Software uses a unique empirical probabilistic forecasting approach that results in accurate forecasts of inventory requirements, even where demand is intermittent. Since nearly 90% of spare and service parts are intermittent, an accurate solution to handle this type of demand is required.   Smart’s solution was patented in 2001 and additional innovations were recently patented in May of 2023 (announcements coming soon!).  The solution was awarded as a finalist in the APICS Technological Innovation Category for its role in helping transform the resource management industry.

    The Role of Intermittent Demand
    Intermittent demand does not conform to a simple normal or bell-shaped distribution that makes it impossible to forecast accurately with traditional, smoothing-based forecasting methods.  Parts and items with intermittent demand – also known as lumpy, volatile, variable or unpredictable demand – have many zero or low-volume values interspersed with random spikes of demand that are often many times larger than the average. This problem is especially prevalent in companies that manage large inventories of service and spare parts in industries such as aviation, aerospace, power and water supply and utilities, automotive, heavy asset management, high tech, as well as in MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul).

    Scenario Analysis
    Smart’s patented and award-winning technology rapidly generates tens of thousands of possible scenarios of future demand sequences and cumulative demand values over an item’s lead time. These scenarios are statistically similar to the item’s observed data, and they capture the relevant details of intermittent demand without relying on the assumptions commonly made about the nature of demand distributions by traditional forecasting methods. The result is a highly accurate forecast of the entire distribution of cumulative demand over an item’s lead time. The bottom line is that with the information these demand distributions provide, companies can easily plan safety stock and service level inventory requirements for thousands of intermittently demanded items with nearly 100% accuracy.

    Implementing innovative solutions from Smart Software such as SmartForecasts for statistical forecasting, Demand Planner for consensus parts planning, and Inventory Optimization for developing accurate replenishment drivers such as min/max and safety stock levels will provide forward-thinking executives and planners with better control over their organization’s operations.  It will result in the following benefits:

    1. Improved Forecasting Accuracy: Accurate demand forecasting is fundamental for any organization that deals with spare parts inventory management. Inventory optimization software uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze historical usage patterns, identify trends and forecast future demand with a high degree of accuracy. With this level of precision in forecasting, organizations can avoid the risk of overstocking or understocking their spare parts inventory.
    2. Lower Inventory Costs: One major challenge that supply chain leaders face when dealing with spare parts inventory management is the cost associated with maintaining an optimal stock of spares at all times. By optimizing inventory levels using modern technology systems like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and predictive analytics, organizations can reduce carrying costs while ensuring they have adequate stocks available when needed.
    3. Improved Service Levels: When it comes to repair and maintenance services, time is money! Downtime due to the unavailability of critical spare parts can result in lost productivity and revenue for businesses across industries such as manufacturing plants, power generation facilities, or data centers managing IT infrastructure equipment. Optimizing your spare parts inventory ensures that you always have the right amount on hand, reducing downtime caused by waiting for deliveries from suppliers.
    4. Reduced Lead Times: Another benefit that accrues from accurate demand forecasting through modern warehouse technologies is reduced lead time in delivery which leads to better customer satisfaction since customers will receive their orders faster than before thus improving brand loyalty. Therefore, the adoption of new strategies driven by AI/ML tools creates value within supply chain operations leading to increased efficiency gains not only limited reductionism cost but also streamlining processes related to production scheduling, logistics transportation planning among others

    Through the utilization of inventory optimization and demand planning software, organizations can overcome various challenges such as supply chain disruptions, rising interest rates, and volatile demand. This enables them to reduce costs associated with excess storage space and obsolete inventory items. By leveraging sophisticated algorithms, inventory optimization software enhances forecasting accuracy, ensuring organizations can avoid overstocking or under-stocking their spare parts inventory. Additionally, it helps lower inventory costs by optimizing levels and leveraging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and predictive analytics. Improved service levels are achieved as organizations have the right quantity of spare parts readily available, reducing downtime caused by waiting for deliveries. Furthermore, accurate demand forecasting leads to reduced lead times, enhancing customer satisfaction and fostering brand loyalty. Adopting such strategies driven by AI/ML tools not only reduces costs but also streamlines processes, including production scheduling and logistics transportation planning, ultimately increasing efficiency gains within the supply chain.


    White Paper:

    What you Need to know about Forecasting and Planning Service Parts


    This paper describes Smart Software’s patented methodology for forecasting demand, safety stocks, and reorder points on items such as service parts and components with intermittent demand, and provides several examples of customer success.