Explaining What “Service Level” Means in Your Inventory Optimization Software

Customers often ask us why a stocking recommendation is “so high.” Here is a question we received recently:

During our last team meeting, we found a few items with abnormal gaps between our current ROP and the Smart-suggested ROP at a 99% service level. The concern is that the system indicates that the reorder point will have to increase substantially to achieve a 99% service level. Would you please help us understand the calculation?

When we reviewed the data, it was clear to the customer that the Smart-calculated ROP was indeed correct.  We concluded (1) what they really wanted was a much lower service level target and (2) we had not done a good explaining what was really meant by “service level.” 

So, what does a “99% service level” really mean? 

When it pertains to the target that you enter in your inventory optimization software, it means that the stocking level for the item in question will have a 99% chance of being able to fill whatever the customer needs right away.  For instance, if you have 50 units in stock, there is a 99% chance that the next demand will fall somewhere in the range of 0 to 50 units.

What our customer meant was that 99% of the time a customer placed an order, it was delivered in full within whatever lead time the customer was quoted.  In other words, not necessarily right away but when promised.  

Obviously, the more time you give yourself to deliver to a customer the higher your service level will be. But that distinction is often not explicitly understood when new users of inventory optimization software are conducting what-if scenarios at different service levels.  And that can lead to considerable confusion.  Computing service levels based on immediate stock availability is a higher standard: harder to meet but much more competitive.

Our manufacturing customers often quote service levels based on lead times to their customers, so it isn’t essential for them to deliver immediately from the shelf. In contrast, our customers in the distribution, Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO), and spare parts spaces, must normally ship same day or within 24 hours.  For them it is a competitive necessity to ship right away and do so in full.

When inputting target service levels using your inventory optimization software, keep this distinction in mind.  Choose the service level based on the percentage of the time you want to ship inventory in full, right away from the shelf.  

Don’t blame shortages on problematic lead times.

Lead time delays and supply variability are supply chain facts of life, yet inventory-carrying organizations are often caught by surprise when a supplier is late. An effective inventory planning process embraces this fact of life and develops policies that effectively account for this uncertainty. Sure, there will be times when lead time delays come out of nowhere and cause a shortage. But most often, the shortages result from:

  1. Not computing stocking policies (e.g., reorder points, safety stocks, and Min/Max levels) often enough to catch changes in the lead time. 
  2. Using poor estimates of actual lead time such as using only averages of historical receipts or relying on a supplier quote.

Instead, recalibrate policies across every single part during every planning cycle to catch changes in demand and lead times.  Rather than assuming only an average lead time, simulate the lead times using scenarios.  This way, recommended stocking policies account for the probabilities of lead times being high and adjust accordingly.  When you do this, you’ll identify needed inventory increases before it is too late. You’ll capture more sales and drive significant improvements in customer satisfaction.

How does your ERP system treat safety stock?

Is safety stock regarded as emergency spares or as a day-to-day buffer against spikes in demand? Knowing the difference and configuring your ERP properly will make a big difference to your bottom line.

The Safety Stock field in your ERP system can mean very different things depending on the configuration. Not understanding these differences and how they impact your bottom line is a common issue we’ve seen arise in implementations of our software.

Implementing inventory optimization software starts with new customers completing the technical implementation to get data flowing.  They then receive user training and spend weeks carefully configuring their initial safety stocks, reorder levels, and consensus demand forecasts with Smart IP&O.  The team becomes comfortable with Smart’s key performance predictions (KPPs) for service levels, ordering costs, and inventory on hand, all of which are forecasted using the new stocking policies.

But when they save the policies and forecasts to their ERP test system, sometimes the orders being suggested are far larger and more frequent than they expected, driving up projected inventory costs.

When this happens, the primary culprit is how the ERP is configured to treat safety stock.  Being aware of these configuration settings will help planning teams better set expectations and achieve the expected outcomes with less effort (and cause for alarm!).

Here are the three common examples of ERP safety stock configurations:

Configuration 1. Safety Stock is treated as emergency stock that can’t be consumed. If a breach of safety stock is predicted, the ERP system will force an expedite no matter the cost so the inventory on hand never falls below safety stock, even if a scheduled receipt is already on order and scheduled to arrive soon.

Configuration 2. Safety Stock is treated as Buffer stock that is designed to be consumed. The ERP system will place an order when a breach of safety stock is predicted but on hand inventory will be allowed to fall below the safety stock. The buffer stock protects against stockout during the resupply period (i.e., the lead time).

Configuration 3. Safety Stock is ignored by the system and treated as a visual planning aid or rule of thumb. It is ignored by supply planning calculations but used by the planner to help make manual assessments of when to order.

Note: We never recommend using the safety stock field as described in Configuration 3. In most cases, these configurations were not intended but result from years of improvisation that have led to using the ERP in a non-standard way.  Generally, these fields were designed to programmatically influence the replenishment calculations.  So, the focus of our conversation will be on Configurations 1 and 2. 

Forecasting and inventory optimization systems are designed to compute forecasts that will anticipate inventory draw down and then calculate safety stocks sufficient to protect against variability in demand and supply. This means that the safety stock is intended to be used as a protective buffer (Configuration 2) and not as emergency sparse (Configuration 3).  It is also important to understand that, by design, the safety stock will be consumed approximately 50% of the time.

Why 50%? Because actual orders will exceed an unbiased forecast half of the time. See the graphic below illustrating this.  A “good” forecast should yield the value that will come closest to the actual most often so actual demand will either be higher or lower without bias in either direction.


How does your ERP system treat safety stock 1


If you configured your ERP system to properly allow consumption of safety stock, then the on hand inventory might look like the graph below.  Note that some safety stock is consumed but avoided a stockout.  The service level you target when computing safety stock will dictate how often you stockout before the replenishment order arrives.  Average inventory is roughly 60 units over the time horizon in this scenario.


How does your ERP system treat safety stock 2


If your ERP system is configured to not allow consumption of safety stock and treats the quantity entered in the safety stock field more like emergency spares, then you will have a massive overstock!  Your inventory on hand would look like the graph below with orders being expedited as soon as a breach of safety stock is expected. Average inventory is roughly 90 units, a 50% increase compared to when you allowed safety stock to be consumed.


How does your ERP system treat safety stock 3


Top 4 Moves When You Suspect Software is Inflating Inventory

We often are asked, “Why is the software driving up the inventory?” The answer is that Smart isn’t driving it in either direction – the inputs are driving it, and those inputs are controlled by the users (or admins). Here are four things you can do to get the results you expect.

1. Confirm that your service level targets are commensurate with what you want for that item or group of items. Setting very high targets (95% or more) will likely drive inventory up if you have been coasting along at a lower level and are OK with being there. It’s possible you’ve never achieved the new higher service level but customers have not complained.  Figure out what service level has worked by evaluating historical reports on performance and set your targets accordingly. But keep in mind that competitors may beat you on item availability if you keep using your father’s service level targets.

2. Make sure your understanding of “service level” aligns with the software system’s definition. You may be measuring performance based on how often you ship within one week from receipt of the customer order, whereas the software is targeting reorder points based on your ability to ship right away, not within a week. Clearly the latter will require more inventory to hit the same “service level.” For instance, a 75% same-day service level may correspond to a 90% same-week service level. In this case, you are really comparing apples to oranges. If this is the reason for the excess stock, then determine what “same day” service level is needed to get you to your desired “same week” service level and enter that into the software. Using the less-stringent same-day target will drop the inventory, sometimes very significantly.

3. Evaluate the lead time inputs. We’ve seen instances in which lead times had been inflated to trick old software into producing desired results. Modern software tracks suppliers’ performance by recording their actual lead times over multiple orders, then it takes account of lead time variability in its simulations of daily operations. Watch out if your lead times are fixed at one value that was decided on in the distant past and isn’t current.

4. Check your demand signal. You have lots of historical transactions in your ERP system that can be used in many ways to determine the demand history. If you are using signals such as transfers, or you are not excluding returns, then you may be overstating demand. Spend a little time on defining “demand” in the way that makes most sense for your situation.

Everybody forecasts to drive inventory planning. It’s just a question of how.

Reveal how forecasts are used with these 4 questions.

Often companies will insist that they “don’t use forecasts” to plan inventory.  They often use reorder point methods and are struggling to improve on-time delivery, inventory turns, and other KPIs. While they don’t think of what they are doing as explicitly forecasting, they certainly use estimates of future demand to develop reorder points such as min/max.

Regardless of what it is called, everyone tries to estimate future demand in some way and uses this estimate to set stocking policies and drive orders. To improve inventory planning and make sure you aren’t over/under ordering and creating large stockouts and inventory bloat, it is important to understand exactly how your organization uses forecasts. Once this is understood, you can assess whether the quality of the forecasts can be improved.

Try getting answers to the following questions. It will reveal how forecasts are being used in your business – even if you don’t think you use forecasts.

1.  Is your forecast a period-by-period estimate over time that is used to predict what on-hand inventory will be in the future and triggers order suggestions in your ERP system?

2. Or is your forecast used to derive a reorder point but not explicitly used as a per-period driver to trigger orders? Here, I may predict we’ll sell 10 per week based on the history, but we are not loading 10, 10, 10, 10, etc., into the ERP. Instead, I derive a reorder point or Min that covers the two-period lead time + some amount of buffer to help protect against stock out. In this case, I’ll order more when on hand gets to 25.

3. Is your forecast used as a guide for the planner to help subjectively determine when they should order more?  Here, I predict 10 per week, and I assess the on-hand inventory periodically, review the expected lead time, and I decide, given the 40 units I have on hand today, that I have “enough.” So, I do nothing now but will check back again in a week.

4. Is it used to set up blanket orders with suppliers? Here, I predict 10 per week and agree to a blanket purchase order with the supplier of 520 per year. The orders are then placed in advance to arrive in quantities of 10 once per week until the blanket order is consumed.

Once you get the answers, you can then ask how the estimates of demand are created.  Is it an average? Is it deriving demand over lead time from a sales forecast?  Is there a statistical forecast generated somewhere?  What methods are considered? It will also be important to assess how safety stocks are used to protect against demand and supply variability.  More on all of this in a future article.


What Silicon Valley Bank Can Learn from Supply Chain Planning

​If you had your head up lately, you may have noticed some additional madness off the basketball court: The failure of Silicon Valley Bank. Those of us in the supply chain world may have dismissed the bank failure as somebody else’s problem, but that sorry episode holds a big lesson for us, too: The importance of stress testing done right.

The Washington Post recently carried an opinion piece by Natasha Sarin called “Regulators missed Silicon Valley Bank’s problems for months. Here’s why.” Sarin outlined the flaws in the stress testing regime imposed on the bank by the Federal Reserve. One problem is that the stress tests are too static. The Fed’s stress factor for nominal GDP growth was a single scenario listing presumed values over the next 13 quarters (see Figure 1). Those 13 quarterly projections might be somebody’s consensus view of what a bad hair day would look like, but that’s not the only way things could play out.  As a society, we are being taught to appreciate a better way to display contingencies every time the National Weather Service shows us projected hurricane tracks (see Figure 2). Each scenario represented by a different colored line shows a possible storm path, with the concentrated lines representing the most likely.  By exposing the lower probability paths, risk planning is improved.

When stress testing the supply chain, we need realistic scenarios of possible future demands that might occur, even extreme demands.   Smart provides this in our software (with considerable improvements in our Gen2 methods).  The software generates a huge number of credible demand scenarios, enough to expose the full scope of risks (see Figure 3). Stress testing is all about generating massive numbers of planning scenarios, and Smart’s probabilistic methods are a radical departure from previous deterministic S&OP applications, being entirely scenario based.

The other flaw in the Fed’s stress tests was that they were designed months in advance but never updated for changing conditions.  Demand planners and inventory managers intuitively appreciate that key variables like item demand and supplier lead time are not only highly random even when things are stable but also subject to abrupt shifts that should require rapid rewriting of planning scenarios (see Figure 4, where the average demand jumps up dramatically between observations 19 and 20). Smart’s Gen2 products include new tech for detecting such “regime changes”  and automatically changing scenarios accordingly.

Banks are forced to undergo stress tests, however flawed they may be, to protect their depositors. Supply chain professionals now have a way to protect their supply chains by using modern software to stress test their demand plans and inventory management decisions.

1 Scenarios used the Fed to stress test banks Software

Figure 1: Scenarios used the Fed to stress test banks.


2 Scenarios used by the National Weather Service to predict hurricane tracks

Figure 2: Scenarios used by the National Weather Service to predict hurricane tracks


3 Demand scenarios of the type generated by Smart Demand Planner

Figure 3: Demand scenarios of the type generated by Smart Demand Planner


4 Example of regime change in product demand after observation #19

Figure 4: Example of regime change in product demand after observation #19